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okay I give up

Someone, please fill me in, I have MIRC 7.14 on Windows 7 64-bit. When someone chats with me in cyrillic alphabet or if I log into a channel that say has the topic set in Cyrllic I can't read it.

I tried changing fonts to Arial Unicode MS, to Verdana also but no dice.

I thought now that mIRC is unicode I won't have to go in the system locale settings of Windows and switch lanugages there, or am I misunderstanding something?

It still doesn't support unicode in dialogs. Just a guess here, but that would mean the titlebar of mIRC doesn't support unicode. I could totally be wrong.
Keep in mind that someone chatting with you in Cyrillic may not be using Unicode to do so. That may be why you aren't seeing it.
You would be totally wrong, yes.
I suspect the problem is that other people are still using codepages / not using unicode/UTF8.
lol, No need to sound like a dick about it.
okay so I experimented

logged in with another nick, sent myself a message in cyrillic and it worked. The font looked smaller and weirder, it wasn't Fixedsys I don't think, but I could read everything.

Have yet to find someone who has v7.14 so I can test it with them but I suppose thinking that the other side has to send in unicode and maybe using v7.14 is correct

Interestingly if I type back at someone with an older version of mIRC, like a v6+ they can see it fine but it doesn't seem to work backwards
Originally Posted By: DJ_Sol
lol, No need to sound like a dick about it.

Heh, that wasn't my intention. The intonation didn't come across well. wink
Interestingly if I type back at someone with an older version of mIRC, like a v6+ they can see it fine but it doesn't seem to work backwards

This is probably due to Khaled's (almost) never ending attempts to maintain compatibility with older versions.

Of course, eventually, there will be versions that are just too old, but for the most part, if someone has a version that is that old then they are way overdue for an upgrade.
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