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Posted By: extremity Make the Edit Box Active? - 22/02/10 11:15 PM
Is there a way to activate the Edit Box of a window?

Just like doing /WINDOW -A "Status Window" would bring the focus to the status window, is there a command to bring focus to the edit box?
Posted By: asdfasdf Re: Make the Edit Box Active? - 23/02/10 12:02 AM
/help /editbox

/editbox [-safnopbNeNvqN] [window] <text>

Fills the editbox of the current window with the specified text.

The -s switch specifies the Status window.

The -a switch specifies the Active window.

To specify a dcc chat window, prefix the nickname with an = equal sign.

The -f switch sets the focus to the editbox.

The -p switch indicates that a space should be appended to text.

The -n switch fills the editbox and presses the enter key in the editbox.

The -o switch applies the command to the second editbox in a channel window.

The -bNeN switches set the start and end of the selection in the editbox.

The -v switch prevents the editbox contents from being changed.

The -qN switch enables/disables/toggles the second editbox.
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