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Posted By: _Astra_ mIRC For a Website - 20/04/03 03:15 PM
Will I still have to DL and save to my computer and then plug it into the html coding or whatnot to get it to work, or is there a certain code that'll help me subscribe my own channel and hold it?
Posted By: ParaBrat Re: mIRC For a Website - 21/04/03 07:43 AM
i'm sorry, but i'm a bit confused about what you are asking and it almost seems like you are asking about two different things.
1. "...subscribe my own channel and hold it"
some networks allow ppl to register nicks and channels, others dont. You could look on that networks website or ask in one of its help channels (usually listed in the MOTD you see as you connect to a server) if you can register a channel and how to do it. Sometimes typing /chanserv help register will give you the info.

2. are you asking how to let ppl get into your channel from a website? try this thread
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