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Hi, all.

I don't know whether this has been asked before, but can mIRC be set up to use data from the user's profile directory ("home directory" in Unix parlance) while the program itself resides in its own directory, e.g. "C:\Progam Files"? In this case I run either Windows 2000 or XP. I don't much like the idea of "crufting" up my install directory with log files and custom scripts, and I like even less the idea of installing mIRC itself into my profile directory.

Thanks for any help on the matter!

It has been asked before, and in a manner, it can be done.
You need to make copies of the ini files for each user, then when starting mIRC, specify the directory mirc.ini file for the person going to be using mIRC. It's not perfect, but it does work.

If you just want to use shortcuts, you can have the shortcuts point to the ini file, but you'll need a different shortcut for each person.
Well you can have shortcuts point to the userprofile without them needing to be unique to each user.
For example, "%AppData%\mirc" is equivalent to "C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Application Data\mirc" (in a default setup)

Shortcut points to "<path to>\mirc.exe" -i"%appdata%\mirc\mirc.ini" -r"%appdata%\mirc"
For example... "%programfiles%\mirc\mirc.exe" -i"%appdata%\mirc\mirc.ini" -r"%appdata%\mirc"
Then $mircini returns C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Application Data\mirc\mirc.ini and $mircdir returns C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Application Data\mirc

"%AppData%\mirc\mirc.ini" MUST exist or the (programfiles\mirc) folder will be used.

Copy mirc.hlp,mirc.ini,.servers.ini,versions.txt,etc to "%appdata%\mirc" folder

These files can be placed in the default user profile (eg. "C:\documents and settings\default user\application data\mirc") to propogate to any new accounts that are created.
They must be copied to all existing users profiles manually though.
RusselB just learned something new
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