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Posted By: 7sun connecting to 2 (or more) irc servers at launch - 26/08/06 03:03 PM
is it possible, and how ?

it's a hassle to it manually, i guess there is some simple scripting involved like a startup script, if anyone could enlighten me smile
on *:start: {
  server server-1
  server -m server-2
  server -m server-3
  server -m server-4
  server -m server-5

There are switches you can use in ordcer to change nicknames, identd, etc Check /help /server for more info smile
nice but how do you make a startup scrit that's launched each time you launch mirc.

don't tell me it's called startup.ini smile
got it smile

replace * with 1, and put the script in remote.
The script you were given would work exactly as you requested with no alterations required. Replacing the * with 1 simply means that your user level must be 1 or greater for that event to work. If, for example, you've gone and set your userlevel to op, then that event wouldn't work, since op evaluates to 0, which is less than 1.
If you leave the * as is, then it'll run no matter what your user level is, since the * is a wildcard that matches all possibilities.
ok smile, thanks for the info
Forgive me, but I tried your script and its not working for me. I think I did something wrong.

 on *:start: {
  server QuakeNet  
  server GameSurge

I am wanting to connect to these servers and then let the perform option connect me to the channels. Any information would be appreciated.
 on *:start:{
server QuakeNet
server -m GameSurge

You need the -m so that mIRC knows to open a new status window for the second connection, otherwise it'll open the connection to QuakeNet, then close it, in order to connect to GameSurge
Thank you very much. I will try that out. smile
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