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Posted By: Name141 export/import notifies ? - 07/11/05 12:21 PM
anyway to export import notifies? from script to script? only place i found them are in mirc.ini. In which i pasted the new [notifes]
n1 = etc..
n2 = etc..

in the new scripts mirc.ini. but soon as i opened the new mirc.exe the .ini is overwriten with the old data and the notifies aren't there.
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: export/import notifies ? - 07/11/05 07:19 PM
Not that I know of but you can easily script it. smile

alias notify.import {
  var %file = $$sfile("s")
  var %x = 1
  echo -a Importing the following nicknames:
  while (%x <= $lines(%file)) {
    echo -a $read(%file,%x)    
    notify $read(%file,%x)
    inc %x

alias notify.export {
  var %x = 1 
  var %file = $$1
  echo -a Exporting the following nicknames:
  while (%x <= $ini(mirc.ini,notify,0)) {
    write %file $readini(mirc.ini,notify,$ini(mirc.ini,notify,%x)))
    echo -a $readini(mirc.ini,notify,$ini(mirc.ini,notify,%x)))
    inc %x

/notify.export writes to the file you choose.



You can have any filename and any extension.

notify.not would work
somefile.txt would also work.


This command adds all nicknames to notify list in a file you choose, so make sure it's an export file instead of a code file otherwise your going to try adding code to your notify list.

Here's the notify import/export code implemented in my notify system, it may gfive you some ideas on maybe to create your own. smile

menu menubar {
  notify:dialog -dm notify notify

dialog notify {
  title "notify List"
  size -1 -1 115 167
  option dbu
  list 2, 3 11 51 50, size sort
  list 4, 60 11 51 50, size sort
  text "Online:                        Offline:", 5, 18 2 83 7
  button "Add", 6, 18 138 37 12
  button "Rem", 7, 59 138 37 12
  button "Close", 8, 39 156 37 8
  button "Import..", 16, 1 156 37 8
  button "Export..", 17, 77 156 37 8  
  list 10, 36 81 51 50, size sort
  text "Total notify nicks:", 11, 36 71 52 7
  menu "File", 12
  item "Exit", 13, 12
  menu "Prefrences", 14
  item "Options", 15, 14

on 1:dialog:notify:menu:13: {
  dialog -x notify notify

on 1:dialog:notify:menu:15: {
  dialog -dmo notify.opt notify.opt

On ^*:notify: {
  if ($isfile(C:\WINDOWS\Media\ringout.wav) && $readini(notify.ini, Options,sounds) == on) {
    splay C:\WINDOWS\Media\ringout.wav
    .timer 1 2 splay C:\WINDOWS\Media\ringout.wav
  if ($readini(notify.ini, Options,notifymsg) == on) {
    if (%notify.msg) { 
      msg $nick %notify.msg 
    else { 
      msg $nick Helloooooooo $nick $+ , how are you? 
  if ($readini(notify.ini, Options,notifynotice) == on) {
    if (%notify.notice) { 
      notice $nick %notify.notice 
    else { 
      notice $nick Helloooooooo $nick $+ , how are you?
  if ($dialog(notify)) { 
    echo 7 -as *** notify: $+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) is online!
    .dialog -x notify notify
    .timer 1 1 echo -a *** notify: Refreshing notify list.
    .timer 1 2 dialog -dm notify notify
  else {
    echo -a echo 7 -as *** notify: $+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) is online!

On ^*:Unotify: {
  if ($isfile(C:\WINDOWS\Media\notify.wav) && $readini(notify.ini, Options,sounds) == on) {
    splay C:\WINDOWS\Media\notify.wav
  if ($dialog(notify)) { 
    echo 7 -as *** notify: $+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) is offline!
    .dialog -x notify notify
    .timer 1 1 echo -a *** notify: Refreshing notify list.
    .timer 1 3 dialog -dm notify notify
  else { 
    echo 7 -as *** notify: $+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) is offline!

alias notify.status {
  var %x = $notify(0).ison
  while (%x) {
    if ($dialog(notify)) {
      if ($notify(%x).ison == $true) { 
        did -a notify 2 $notify(%x)
      if ($notify(%x).ison == $false) { 
        did -a notify 4 $notify(%x)
    dec %x

alias notify.all {
  var %x = $notify(0)
  while (%x) {
    if ($dialog(notify)) {
      did -a notify 10 $notify(%x) 
      did -a notify 11 Total notify nicks: $notify(%x) 
    dec %x
  did -a notify 11 Total notify nicks: $notify(%x) 

on 1:dialog:notify:sclick:6: {
  set %notify.add $$?="Enter nickname"
  if (!$didwm(notify,10,%notify.add)) {
    echo -a *** notify: Added $+($chr(2),%notify.add,$chr(2)) to notify list!
    .notify %notify.add
    dialog -x notify notify
    .timer 1 1 echo -a *** notify: Refreshing notify list.
    .timer 1 3 dialog -dm notify notify

on 1:dialog:notify:sclick:7: {
  did -d notify 10 $didwm(notify,10,%notify.sel)
  echo -a *** notify: Removed $+($chr(2),%notify.sel,$chr(2)) from notify list!
  .notify -r %notify.sel
  did -b notify 7
  dialog -x notify notify
  .timer 1 1 echo -a *** notify: Refreshing notify list.
  .timer 1 3 dialog -dm notify notify

on 1:dialog:notify:sclick:8: {
  dialog -x notify notify 

on 1:dialog:notify:sclick:10: { 
  set %notify.sel $did(10,$did(10).sel)
  did -e notify 7

on 1:dialog:notify:dclick:10: {
  if ($readini(notify.ini, Options,whois) == on) {
    whois %notify.sel
  if ($readini(notify.ini, Options,query) == on) {
    query %notify.sel
  if ($readini(notify.ini, Options,msg) == on) {
    if (%notify.msg) { 
      msg %notify.sel %notify.msg 
    else {
      msg %notify.sel Helloooooooo %notify.sel $+ , how are you?
  if ($readini(notify.ini, Options,notice) == on) {
    if (%notify.notice) { 
      notice %notify.sel %notify.notice 
    else { 
      notice %notify.sel Helloooooooo %notify.sel $+ , how are you?

On *:Dialog:notify:sclick:16: {

On *:Dialog:notify:sclick:17: {

on 1:dialog:notify:init:0: {
  did -b notify 7
  did -r notify 11

dialog notify.opt {
  title "notify Options"
  size -1 -1 133 107
  option dbu
  check "Play sounds", 1, 5 8 50 10
  box "Double a nickname in notify dialog", 2, 2 42 130 47
  check "Whois User", 3, 5 48 39 10
  check "Query User", 4, 5 58 39 10
  check "MSG User", 5, 5 67 39 10
  check "Notice User", 6, 5 76 39 10
  edit "", 7, 44 76 84 9
  edit "", 8, 44 67 84 9
  button "Save / Exit", 9, 43 92 37 12
  check "MSG User", 10, 5 18 39 10
  check "Notice User", 11, 5 28 39 10
  box "On notify", 12, 2 2 130 38

On 1:dialog:notify.opt:sclick:1: {
  if ($did($dname,1).state == 1) { 
    writeini notify.ini options sounds on 
  else { 
    writeini notify.ini options sounds off

On 1:dialog:notify.opt:sclick:3: {
  if ($did($dname,3).state == 1) { 
    writeini notify.ini options whois on
  else { 
    writeini notify.ini options whois off

On 1:dialog:notify.opt:sclick:4: {
  if ($did($dname,4).state == 1) { 
    writeini notify.ini options query on 
  else { 
    writeini notify.ini options query off

On 1:dialog:notify.opt:sclick:5: {
  if ($did($dname,5).state == 1) { 
    writeini notify.ini options msg on
  else {
    writeini notify.ini options msg off 

On 1:dialog:notify.opt:sclick:6: {
  if ($did($dname,6).state == 1) { 
    writeini notify.ini options notice on 
  else { 
    writeini notify.ini options notice off 

On 1:dialog:notify.opt:sclick:10: {
  if ($did($dname,10).state == 1) { 
    writeini notify.ini options notifymsg on
  else { 
    writeini notify.ini options notifymsg off

On 1:dialog:notify.opt:sclick:11: {
  if ($did($dname,11).state == 1) {
    writeini notify.ini options notifynotice on 
  else { 
    writeini notify.ini options notifynotice off

on 1:dialog:notify.opt:sclick:9: {
  if ($did(7)) {
    set %notify.notice $did(7)
  if ($did(8)) { 
    set %notify.msg $did(8) 
  dialog -x notify.opt notify.opt

on 1:dialog:notify.opt:init:0: {
  if ($readini(notify.ini, options, sounds) == on) {
    did -c notify.opt 1 
  if ($readini(notify.ini, options, notifymsg) == on) {
    did -c notify.opt 10 
  if ($readini(notify.ini, options, notifynotice) == on) { 
    did -c notify.opt 11
  if ($readini(notify.ini, options, whois) == on) { 
    did -c notify.opt 3
  if ($readini(notify.ini, options, query) == on) { 
    did -c notify.opt 4
  if ($readini(notify.ini, options, msg) == on) { 
    did -c notify.opt 5
  if ($readini(notify.ini, options, notice) == on) { 
    did -c notify.opt 6
  if (%notify.notice) { 
    did -a notify.opt 7 %notify.notice
  if (%notify.msg) { 
    did -a notify.opt 8 %notify.msg

alias notify.import {
  var %file = $$sfile("s")
  var %x = 1
  echo -a Importing the following nicknames:
  while (%x <= $lines(%file)) {
    echo -a $read(%file,%x)    
    notify $read(%file,%x)
    inc %x

alias notify.export {
  var %x = 1 
  var %file = $input(Filename? $crlf $+ somefile.ext,e,)
  echo -a Exporting the following nicknames:
  while (%x <= $ini(mirc.ini,notify,0)) {
    write %file $readini(mirc.ini,notify,$ini(mirc.ini,notify,%x)))
    echo -a $readini(mirc.ini,notify,$ini(mirc.ini,notify,%x)))
    inc %x

Posted By: Name141 Re: export/import notifies ? - 08/11/05 01:44 AM
that seems to work if there is no comment or note.

perhaps this would work better?

alias notify.export {

var %x = 1

var %file = $$1

echo -a Exporting the following nicknames:

while (%x <= $ini(mirc.ini,notify,0)) {

write %file $replace($gettok($readini(mirc.ini,notify,$ini(mirc.ini,notify,%x)),1,58),NOTE,$null)

echo -a $replace($gettok($readini(mirc.ini,notify,$ini(mirc.ini,notify,%x)),1,58),NOTE,$null)

inc %x


Posted By: Name141 Re: export/import notifies ? - 08/11/05 09:24 AM
it seems + is also a problem. so i finally ended up with:
alias notify.import {

  var %file = $$sfile("s")

  var %x = 1

  echo -a Importing the following nicknames:

  while (%x &lt;= $lines(%file)) {

    echo -a $read(%file,%x)    

    notify $read(%file,%x)

    inc %x



alias notify.export {

  var %x = 1 

  var %file = $$1

  echo -a Exporting the following nicknames:

  while (%x &lt;= $ini(mirc.ini,notify,0)) {

    set -u2 %notifynickstart $replace($gettok($readini(mirc.ini,notify,$ini(mirc.ini,notify,%x)),1,58),NOTE,$null)

    set -u2 %notifynick $replace(%notifynickstart,$chr(43),$null)

    write %file %notifynick

    echo -a %notifynick

    inc %x


Posted By: SladeKraven Re: export/import notifies ? - 08/11/05 07:20 PM
When I came up with the code I didn't stop to think about notes etc, nice additions.. smile

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