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Posted By: LoKey auto reply - 19/10/05 03:24 PM
I'm running a "bot" and I need it to auto respond to specific commands like !stats and I just can't figure out how to do it...

any help would be greatly appreciated
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: auto reply - 19/10/05 03:58 PM
/help on text

on *:text:!stats:#yourchan: {
  [do this]

Replace the channel name and put in whatever code you want it to do when someone types !stats. Replace !stats with any other triggers and repeat this if you have other triggers needed.

Note that if you want it to respond to something you type from the bot, that you need to use on input instead of on text (/help on input).
Posted By: LoKey Re: auto reply - 19/10/05 04:09 PM
thanks, but what do I write to make it respond with a specific sentence publicly in the channel?
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: auto reply - 19/10/05 04:39 PM
Direct from the help file... (which is why I said to use /help on text)

on 1:TEXT:hello*:#:/msg $chan Welcome to $chan $nick!

This listens on any channel for any line beginning with the word hello and welcomes the user who said it to the channel.

on 1:TEXT:*cookie*:#food:/describe $chan gives $nick a cookie smile

This listens on channel #food for any message containing the word cookie and gives the user who said it a cookie.
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