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Alright, I'm having problems with mIRC on Windows XP 64-Bit edition. I've encountered no problems like this with any other programs, mIRC is the only one that gives me problems.

I can launch mIRC, connect to a server, chat, etc, but whenever I do anything that would make a window or a menu pop up, mIRC crashes. I can't go into options, right click anywhere, double click on channel windows, use custom desktop windows, custom popups, etc. I've tried setting the compatibility mode to Windows 2000, with no noticeable results. If anyone has an idea as to what I can do, it would be greatly appretiated. Thanks

I forgot to mention that for some odd reason, I can open up the remotes window.

Also, I just found out that the RAW prefix isn't working _whatsoever_.
RAW *:*: { echo -s $numeric -- $1- } doesn't do a thing, but it used to when I was on a previous version of windows.
There are known issues with mIRC on 64-bit because, apparently, 'parts' of the 32-bit are 16-bit and not supported at all on 64-bit. There is currently not a 64-bit version of mIRC as you may have guessed, and I doubt there will be one in the near future. It has been suggested several times.

Quite why some of those problems would occur because of the OS I don't know, for example, popups not working. Make sure the .exe isn't getting corrupted when downloaded, make sure you have popups.ini and you're putting your own popups in the correct area, ALT+P (or menu <menuarea> { stuff } in Remotes). RAWs should also be unaffected. Perhaps an interfering script? Make sure you only download mIRC from THIS website, and not with a distributed script.

Thanks for the reply! I suspected that parts of the 32-bit mIRC were still actually 16-bit, but I wasn't sure. It's a brand new install from www.mirc.com, and I redownloaded/reinstalled it after I first had problems. I don't currently have any scripts, I was trying to write one when I found out RAW didn't work. Thanks again.

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