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Hi all,

I was wondering if there is a command or script you can run that if someone says your nick it will send you a little beep or alert. Thanks.

on *:text:*:*:{
if ($me isin $1-) { beep 5 }
on 1:TEXT:*anti*:#:{beep 1}

I got it to work with this. now if i want it to play another sound from somewhere on my computer can it do that?

No, "text" should be left as it is.
You put it in remote (alt+r).
The word 'text' needs to be used. That represents an "event" within mIRC - in this case, an ON TEXT event. So it activates "on text" being said. So you can use the exact code that was pasted.

Also, where do I put this for the script? in script.ini?

You put this type o' code in Remotes, press ALT+R in mIRC. To ensure it works, put it in a new file, go to File > New.

You may like to know scripting is unnecessary, it would be easier if you used the Highlight options in mIRC to play a sound. ALT+O > IRC > Highlight - Check the box at the top (Enable highlight).

Click on 'Add' and put '$me' (without quotes) into the box at the top. Then click on the Sound button so it says 'Beep' and not 'No Sound'. You can optionally set it to highlight your nickname in colours, or flash a message. That is not needed though. After doing that, press 'OK', and 'OK' again.
Then make sure you have Sounds enabled, type /ebeeps on in mIRC, and turn on your PC Speakers.

Now when someone types yer nickname, it should beep smile - For further help, see /help highlight. For further help with the ON TEXT event, type /help on text.

yes, you can with something like this..:

on 1:text:*anti*:#:{
splay path\to\sound.wav

if that is what you mean smile

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