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I'm using port 6667 but somehow, I tried 40-50 times and it didn't work, my firend could connect to it with the same port... I can connect to other Ircs but not this one, is there something wrong with my mIRC? Btw, I tried connecting, about a week ago, it still works but these few days just won't connect...
After a quick port scan i found 5000 open then.......

connected and got a nice Global..

[12:41] -Global- [Logon News - Feb 01 2004] If you receive a "no more connections allowed in your connection class" error when connecting, try a different port. Our servers listen on ports 5000, 6000, 6666, 6667, 7000, 8000, 8080, and 9000.

Hope this helps.
What I get is a connection refused...
I have the same problem for the last couple of days...
but yesterday i could connect to mircx.com in the morning, then i want to connect again in the afternoon but i couldn't get through no matter how many times i've tried

Pls Help... somebody!
General reply:
when you can connect to a server one minute and cant the next, odds are the problem isnt on your end (unless of course you were banned). The server may be full, experiencing difficulties, or has been set to deliberately not resolve correctly due to attacks/problems. From the motd of the server you mentioned: For assistance, contact ircadmin@mircx.com

Try one of their other servers or ports is all we could suggest
You can get banned from an irc? o.O
But I don't remember doing anything that can put me in such a case... I tried other ports but still no luck...
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