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Does anybody know how?
/dns <nickname>
some networks have protection on that so if it always say "unable to resolve ip.." then you cant coz of that
Ask the user to goto whatismyip.com or similar website and give you the IP. Or get them to tell you the results if $ip perhaps. Although I'm suspicious for your need of the IP, but I'm just always paranoid anyway.
open a private query window for the person u are trying to get an ip from... and tell them to type to you this: //say $ip

Ok, cool....but what if i want a IP of someone, and i dont want them to know!?
IP masking is present on ircd's for the purpose of protecting folks from being attacked directly at their ip. You can't see someone else's ip without their sending it to you, or powering up as an oper.

If the reason you're wanting to see the ip involves something legal, or of a threat to life or limb, find an oper on the network and dump it in their lap.
Hard task, since one *should* know (s)he's giving *his/her* IP to you. There are security rules, you know..
I keep getting hacked, but only when they know my ip address. I can change this and be ok.

I want to use the Quakenet servers but it gives away my ip address to anyone who wants it, is there anyway to stop this. Normally, when browsing the web the cache server ip address is the one given.

Does irc have to be so risky to use confused
see http://www.quakenet.org/faq/faq.php?c=176&f=188#188
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