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Posted By: firefox multiple mircs - 18/07/10 11:08 AM
I run 3 mirc's (because I like to keep eachs scripts etc. separate)

I am still using an old version of mirc which doesn't store the settings inside the users folder but in the same folder as mirc

If I upgrade to the latest version of mirc and want to have it in 3 separate folders each with all of it's scripts and settings in the same folder rather than in windows user folder:

- do I just need to append -r to the commandline or do I need to explicitly mention the path i.e. -rC:\mirc1 ?
- does this automatically set all config and scripts folders to this path
- using -portable is the same as -r ?

edit: does using -r set $mircdir to the current folder?
Posted By: 5618 Re: multiple mircs - 18/07/10 11:42 AM
You don't have to change anything.
When mIRC finds mirc.ini in the same folder as mirc.exe it will use that as $mircdir (assuming it's not in Program Files under Vista or 7 of course).
Posted By: FroggieDaFrog Re: multiple mircs - 21/07/10 05:05 AM
or use the -portable switch.(7.* only)
 /run path\mirc.exe -portable

edit the shortcuts to include the switch, and mIRC will use $mircexe as it's root directory.
Posted By: argv0 Re: multiple mircs - 21/07/10 06:01 AM
-portable is not 7.x only, it should work in 6.35 as well.
Posted By: firefox Re: multiple mircs - 21/07/10 09:54 AM
ok thanks guys
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