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Posted By: XStatic mIRC Loophole - 25/06/07 08:06 AM
Yup, found a loophole. $chr(13) makes you send out a command to raw, so if you have a bot and you give everyone access to it. One person only has to do.

!say $+(Test,$chr(13),PRIVMSG YourNick Hello, my nickname is $nick and my ip is $ip)

Hope this can be fixed ASAP
Posted By: weakness Re: mIRC Loophole - 25/06/07 08:25 AM
This should be reported in the Bug Forum.

Also if your bug is related to chr(13) you are assuming that everyone is using the same font as you are. Therefore making this not a mirc bug in my opinion.

Also, don't give random people you don't know access to your bot.
Posted By: Collective Re: mIRC Loophole - 25/06/07 08:58 AM
XStatic: That's not a problem with mIRC, that's a problem with a poorly written !say script. A script should never evaluate identifiers passed to it by other IRC users.

weakness: It's nothing to do with his font.
Posted By: hixxy Re: mIRC Loophole - 25/06/07 11:23 AM
The !say script must be evaluating the contents by doing something like this:

on *:text:!say *:#:{ msg # $eval($2-,2) }


on *:text:!say *:#:{ scid -r msg # $2- }


on *:text:!say *:#:{ .timer 1 1 msg # $2- }

They're all poorly written, because all 3 of those evaluate everything passed.

As for your example, using $chr(13) (or $cr) is the very least of your problems. Somebody could use $findfile() to execute mIRC commands.

mIRC isn't to blame for scripter's mistakes.
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