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Posted By: mixxo logs/messages keep cleaning wen I scoll up :S - 19/02/07 12:41 PM
i dunno if any 1 had this issue:

I never had this before, its proberly a lil option i set on/off with a quick button (ctrl sumthing ;p)

But when i scroll Up in any Window in mIRC (with messages, logz), all keeps cleaning themselfs. Its very anoying.

I hope some 1 can help me out....

If you mean that you can only scroll up a certain distance before the text isn't there any longer, then that is the buffer size. You can adjust the size in Alt-O > Other > Window Buffer. Keep in mind that large buffers can cause performance issues... especially if you're in many channels that are really active.
doesnt help
Then you'll need to provide more information because that's the only thing that I can think of from your short description of what happens. None of us are mind readers (though some are close wink ). The more information you can provide, the better chance you have of being given an answer that will help you. Screenshots are also helpful, but not necessary.
wel ur right. Its the Buffer: i just did a right click on a channel: Buffer/Clear : Cleaned all my chan messages/buffers.

But this still doesnt help, now i only know its da buffer how its named. Ill just do a new install of mIRC =S oh wel thx anyways
Aint there a way 2 set this fookin crappy buffer OFF?
I never had this Buffer Channel Cleaner!
I did tell you where to change the settings. Change the number to the number of lines you want to have in the buffer. The buffer has been there for years (perhaps since the first release of mIRC).

Again, it's Alt-O > Other > Window Buffer. It's an edit box with a number in it. Just change the number.
u thank i didnt tryed?

nm ty ...........ill do a new mirc !nstall
um...a new install of mirc wont solve your problem. For a start, mirc has a set limit of lines that are allowed to be displayed in ANY window (status, channels, queries, etc). CHANGING the amount of lines to a higher number will give you more lines allowed in any window. The reason it cuts off the first few lines at the top is because its reached that line limit, and will keep deleting the first few lines when new lines are added. If it didn't do this, the amount of text in the window (if left running continously for days on end) would be HUGE, unmanagable and memory retentive. If you want to be able to see what text was in that window before, try using the logging feature in Options, ALL data from that particular window will STILL be there in a text file.

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