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Posted By: Zappa LOOKING FOR IRC2.MIT-EDU SERVER & OLD FRIENDS! - 20/09/06 03:14 AM
Hey there, this is Zappa (Valerie!!) looking for the MIT-EDU server I originally started on here over 8 or so years ago... if anyone knows what happened to it, or where everyone went, I would love to know! TX for any help you can give.

ISO - LordHackr... RaZor... Sparkling...
the part about "started on here" isn't entirely correct.

first of all, this is a forum so I guess the 'here' doesn't apply to this forum...

also, mIRC is only an IRC client, a program which connects you to an IRC server... so 'here' can't apply to mIRC either...

my guess is you have started an IRC server some time years ago on some hosting server... but none of these factors can be called anywhere near 'here'...

so I guess you are looking at the wrong spot.
OK, I stand corrected, I did NOT start "on here", I started on the mit server that is no longer running. I was merely wondering what happened to it and the great people I met there. I posted my query in this forum since it is General Discussion, pertaining to a plethatude of subjects, in hopes that someone maybe searching for the same info would find it easily. I thought it was an appropriate place.

TX for , umm, 'correcting' me.
MIT may have had its own server, not conected to any other network

they could have had their server linked to any number of networks, notably EFnet undernet DALnet and my brain fails me, but there was another major net before the explosion of networks we have now, and depending on how long ago you are talking about it could have been any that have come and gone. however you can try the different nets and wander about looking in channels, you will eventually stumble over someone "from back then"

look for blogs by people you knew then

I'm sure MIT.edu still has a server, you just can't get there from here
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