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To Khaled Mardam-Bey,

the UN of the mIRC forum have charged you with causing anxiety attacks, sleeplessness and RSI.

This resulution gives you 30days exactly to: Release new version of mIRC

If you fail to deliver we will send inspectors in and make you delete the content of mIRC functions. Any function that has potential to reach to the next page will be deemed illegal. We know you have been using INK the deadly chemical and you had flu, the deadly biological agents. This is inexcusable behaviour.
Therefore from now on there will be 2 no-fly zones for you and mIRC: you shall not use mIRC or be present north of North Pole and you shall not use mIRC or be present south of South Pole. If you do, you will fall into void.
The permanent members of UN mIRC forum Security Council shall delete twice as many member’s posts until there will be none.
We hope you will take this resolution very seriously otherwise serious consequences will follow and we will pass resolution 2004 with the same content in 12 months time.
OMFG! five words for ya..."Stay off the Jolt Cola" LOL

twas a joke....LOL pretty funny though LOL
LOL are you on drugs?? grin
Very clever post, humour is always a good thing hehe
Nah I don't think its drugs...I think that waiting for a new version is getting to him...LMAO
i say it was probably one of the better approaches to this issue compared to the ones we've seen it the past couple of months. we should push for a march 17th deadline. heh :tongue:
LOL GeeDubya! laugh
Yeah a deadline would get it done...riiight (but it did sound good)

Poppy: Leaf it too the bushes to piss the world off LOL (pardon the pun)
if you watch the news at all you would know that i was refering to the proposed new un resolution that would set a march 17th dead line. i know a so-called deadline on a new mirc version wouldn't have any kind of effect, i was merely adding to the threads humor.
Oh I watch the news and I got your joke...no harm no foul!
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