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Posted By: SSJGoku2 What do I do? - 21/11/03 11:57 AM
I think about 2 days, I saw in a channel (#animehq) where someone posted an offensive racial joke made by a particular op in that channel. When I saw this, I got angry and made a welcome back saying he was being gay or something. After that, I was immediately ban from the channel. What should I do? Also, this isn't first time he's made racially offensive statements.
Posted By: Mentality Re: What do I do? - 21/11/03 05:32 PM
The channel is owned by the ops - provided they stay within network rules, they can do whatever they like. If you don't like their attitude, check with the owner of the channel. If the network you're using has channel services such as ChanServ, X or Q then ask in the #Help channel how to obtain this information from the service, or if nobody's alive try /list *help* or check the networks website.

Also, if you find the content from this op offensive so much, either don't join the channel or put him on ignore - /ignore nickname 3 (The '3' ignores the *!*user@hostname).

I very much doubt racial jokes are against network rules seeing as IRC is a free service where people are free to chat about whatever they want unless they are specifically harrasing a user constantly and the user has done everything in their power to prevent themselves from seeing the persons comments - having said that, some networks don't have any particular rules set out regarding harassment. Check with an IRC Operator for detailed information on that networks policy. Check the network website and see if there is an AUP - Acceptable Use Policy. If you don't know the network website, search Google. You may also want to see this page.

Happy chatting.

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