i have problem in understanding things :P

some ppl from this board made this 2 alises

this one only show SUBSECTIONS

alias inisub {
  ; Syntax: /inisub <section> <path\file>
  if (!$isfile($2-)) .echo -a File doesn't exist. $+($chr(40),$2-,$chr(41))
  elseif (!$ini($2-,$1)) .echo -a Section $+(,$1,) does not exist. $+($chr(40),$2-,$chr(41))
  else {
    var %i = 1
    while ($ini($2-,$1,%i) != $null) {
      .echo -a $v1
      inc %i

and this one shows only VALUES

alias inival {
  ; Syntax: /inival <section> <path\file>
  if (!$isfile($2-)) .echo -a File doesn't exist. $+($chr(40),$2-,$chr(41))
  elseif (!$ini($2-,$1)) .echo -a Section $+(,$1,) does not exist. $+($chr(40),$2-,$chr(41))
  else {
    var %i = 1
    while ($readini($2-,$1,$ini($2-,$1,%i)) != $null) {
      .echo -a $v1
      inc %i

problem is that (in something im doing) i need to compare

subsection with what value it has and echo it in additional change like:


so i need comparison in way:

IF Trout has VALUE DEAD { echo Trout is realy dead }
IF Catfish has VALUE ALIVE { echo Catfish is alive }

excuse my lame explanation smile

so i have those aliases (above) that return me
these info i need (section and value)
but i dont know how to compare them and then
echo some result based on this comparison...

so if anyone could explain a bit detailed this
or make simple code to show me how to do this
i would apreciate it alot.
