I use this code now:

on *:OPEN:=:{ _bgqfix | .timer -om 1 10 background -p $nick " $+ %cdir $+ \ $+ query.jpg $+ " }

_bgfix <<- make shure the right path is stored in %cdir, how ever when i open a DCC chat for the first time the image query.jpg is wrong, i have one for every default color in mirc, so if i had white background the image comes up with white background, if it's black it comes up with a black background and so on, but a bit strange it dosent change the image stright away. it keep the wrong color untill i close, then dcc chat the user again, then it have the right color.. any idea on this?

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }