Hello people.

I have some trouble understanding how Options->Flood works.


1. What is that byte limit which defaults to 400? Does it mean that mIRC will not send more than 400 bytes per something? Per what? Second? Minute? Or does it mean that on every 400th byte mIRC will check how long it took to send the latest 400 bytes? If the latter is the case then what is the actual rate limit that mIRC tries to check against? How many bytes and per what unit of time?

2. There is a limit for the queued messages. This queue holds outgoing messages right? This is a bit strange because it looks like there is the option of ignoring users (from SENDING us messages I supose) based on how often we send messages to them.

3. What is the per user limit? Since the message hold outgoing messages, all of them originate from the same user, me. So when we say "per user" queue limit, do we mean "per user who caused me to send a message to anyone"? Or do we mean "per user who I send a message to?" The latter one of course ONLY makes sense for /q, /w (sort of), /ctcp and other user directed messages. So if we mean the latter, I suppose that messages directed to a #channel simply count towards the general queue limit and not the user specific one, right?

4. I am trying to send a multiline colored ASCII picture to someone. I am rate limiting my own messages of course so that I don't get banned. But it looks like mIRC starts breaking up this multiline message to random length messages. So while it keeps all my newline characters, it adds many more of its own. So the picture gets messed up. Isn't there an easy way to avoid this from happening?


I found this in the FAQ:
You can protect yourself against people who are flooding you with the new automatic anti-flood system. Look under File/Options/Flood/. A server usually disconnects you for sending too much data to it in a certain period of time, *or* if you try to send it data when it hasn't finished processing your previous data. The new flood protect makes sure -others- cant make you to send tooo much data to the server. Usually a server has a buffer of about 512 bytes. mIRC therefore counts the number of bytes you've sent to a server and if this exceeds a certain number, mIRC waits for the server to be ready again, before it continues sending data. In the mean time it nicely buffers unsend lines. This should protect you properly from all sorts of ctcp floods and so on... You set the amount of bytes mIRC may safely send (for instance 450 bytes), the amount of lines it may buffer (like 20), the amount of lines it may store maximal per user (like 3) and how long the flooder should be ignored (like 15 secs) by the command /flood 450 20 3 15 This flood control method *only* works for messages being triggered by other users. So you can still flood *yourself* off the server. (like with the /list command)

Now regarding question 1 I don't know how mIRC knows that the server is "ready". I still have the other questions too plus one more:

5. How can I flood myself out of the server with a /list command ask the FAQ mentions?

Last edited by Tritonio; 15/03/15 03:55 PM. Reason: Added more info from the FAQ