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#99124 29/09/04 02:04 AM
Joined: Sep 2004
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Thermal Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 44
i have another problem, i hope someone can tell me how i can fix this.

-=9/28/04 8:58pm=- -=MainNick=- hey ?
-=9/28/04 8:58pm=- -=@Jim`=- ?

i'm an op in the same channel, but for some reason i can't figure out how to get like an @ beside my name, or if i try to halfop my self, the % wont show up n same way with voice. here's my code maybe someone can look over for me, n tell me whats wrong with it.

on *:INPUT:*:{
if /* !iswm $$1 && ($chan || $query($target)) {
; debug
echo -at $+(4-=,$me,4=-3) $1- 
.msg $v1 $1-
on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{
var %i $nick(#,0)
while ($nick(#,%i) != $nick) {

dec %i
; debug
echo $color(normal) -tlbf # 3-= $+ $nick(#,%i).color $+ $nick(#,%i).pnick $+ 3=- $1-

and also, when i added that code, it messed my colors up on my channel windows, it use to be if someone joined a room it would turn blue, n if they said something it would turn red, but now it just stays red even when its just someone joining.
sorry if it sounds silly, but im pretty tired.
thanks smile

#99125 29/09/04 02:23 AM
Joined: Nov 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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echo -at $+(4-=,$me,4=-3) $1- 


echo -at $+(4-=,$iif($active ischan,$nick($chan,$me).pnick,$me),4=-3) $1- 

Not sure about your second question.

New username: hixxy
#99126 29/09/04 02:27 AM
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 44
Thermal Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 44
thanks alot smile

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