the phrase 'test testing' are not parsed correctly by mirc scripting because it have a blank space (chr32) after another, between the words test and testing. so if i make an "autocolor" like this:
on *:input:*:{
if (/* !iswm $1) && (!$ctrlenter) {
var %prefix = $chr(3) $+ 7
say %prefix $+ $1-
and type the phrase "test testing", it will say "test testing" in orange, and a space will be lost. but if exists a binvar &args that store the phrase exactly as i type, that would be set in all events that sets an $1-, i can do this:
on *:input:*:{
if (/* !iswm $1) && (!$ctrlenter) {
breplace &args 32 160
tokenize 32 $bvar(&args,$bvar(&args,0)).text
var %prefix = $chr(3) $+ 7
say %prefix $+ $1-
so at least visually the space is not lost. and if a have a switch like -b in /raw (and as well in /say and etc) that is used /raw -b &binvar, to send a binvar to the server, i can do this:
on *:input:*:{
if (/* !iswm $1) && (!$ctrlenter) {
var %prefix = $chr(3) $+ 7
bcopy &args $len(%prefix) &args 1 $bvar(&args,0)
bset -t &args 1 %prefix
say -b &args