mIRC already has these commands built into its fserver
The accepted commands are: cd, ls, dir, read, get, stats, who, sends, queues, clr_queues, help.
cd -------------- Change directory.
dir -------------- Lists the files in the current directory.
ls --------------- Wide directory listing.
get <file> ---- Asks the server to DCC Send the specified file.
sends --------- Displays server send status
stats ---------- Displays current server statistics.
queues ------- Displays server queue status.
who ------------ Show users on server.
clr_queues -- Removes all of your queues.
clr_queue N - Removes the queue in slot N.
exit ------------- Terminates the connection.
These commands all work with mIRC with out fancy scripting
Sure you can set the Path as a variable. But when soneone request a fiel GET <FILE>. mIRC will auto Dcc send the requested file.