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Joined: Aug 2004
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MRic3 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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I got an RSS feed reader script and it is a alias and it works great.
When i call the alias how can i check if the RSS feed is ready..

on 1:text:!ww:#:{ %rss.ready = 0
rssfeed http://www.webwereld.nl/rss/trillian.rss
msg $chan ( $hget(rssfeed,<link>2) ) $hget(rssfeed,<title>2)

As you can see in the RSSfeed alias when it is ready it sets %rss.ready = 1
So i must wait until this variable is 1 ... How can i do this?


Grabs the tag and data of each RSS item from a specified RSS feed and saves it in a hash table named rssfeed.
;; RSS Feed Grabber
;; by bunkahumpa - bh@scriptsurge.org - irc.GameSurge.net #script
;; -> function: grabs the tag and data of each RSS item and saves it in a hash table named rssfeed.
;; -> usage: /rssfeed http://www.address.to/rss/feed (use the full URL - INCLUDING http://)

; $grabdata -> grabs whatever is between <blah></blah>
; (the tags must be the same, usually found in RSS feeds)
; it returns the tag name and the stuff inside it seperated by $chr(255)
alias -l grabdata { if ($regex($1-,(<([^>]+)>)(.+)</\2>)) return $regml(1) $+ $chr(255) $+ $regml(3) }

alias rssfeed {
if ($1 == $null) return
else {
if ($left($1,7) != http://) echo $color(text) -a Incorrect URL format, please include http:// at the beginning.
else {
if ($sock(rssfeed)) sockclose rssfeed
; grab the host from $1 and connect to it
sockopen rssfeed $gettok($1,2,47) 80
; store $1 in a sockmark of the rssfeed socket
sockmark rssfeed $1
echo $color(text) -a Attempting to connect to host $gettok($sock(rssfeed).mark,2,47) and GET $iif(!$gettok($sock(rssfeed).mark,3-,47),/,$gettok($sock(rssfeed).mark,3-,47))

on *:sockopen:rssfeed:{
if ($sockerr > 0) {
echo $color(text) -a Could not connect to host $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,47) and GET $iif(!$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3-,47),/,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3-,47))
; if the hash table rssfeed exists from a previous execution, clear it
if ($hget(rssfeed)) hfree rssfeed
; GET the page using the path after the host in the sockmark
sockwrite -n $sockname GET / $+ $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3-,47) HTTP/1.1
; specify the host as well from the sockmark
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,47)
sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: keep-alive
sockwrite -n $sockname

on *:sockread:rssfeed:{
if ($sockerr > 0) return
sockread %temp
if (%temp == $null) var %temp = -
if ($sockbr == 0) {
echo $color(text) -a 0 bytes being read by socket. ( $+ $hget(rssfeed,0).item $iif($hget(rssfeed,0).item == 1,item,items) saved in hash table rssfeed)
%rss.ready = 1
if ((</rdf:RDF> isin %temp) || (</rss> isin %temp)) {
; if the end of an RSS file is found, end it
sockclose $sockname
if (%temp) unset %temp
echo $color(text) -a END OF FEED DETECTED: $hget(rssfeed,0).item $iif($hget(rssfeed,0).item == 1,item,items) saved in hash table rssfeed.
%rss.ready = 1
if ($grabdata(%temp)) {
; if it matches an RSS item type (see the grabdata alias above) store the tag in %item
var %item = $gettok($grabdata(%temp),1,255)
; if there is no item in the hash table that matches that tag, make it the first
; -> e.g. <title>1
if (!$hfind(rssfeed,%item $+ *,0,w)) hadd -m rssfeed %item $+ 1 $gettok($grabdata(%temp),2,255)
; if not, loop through it items in the hash table and find the highest matching tag
; then save it as an item with a number of one higher than the highest
; -> e.g. there's a <title>1 so store it as <title>2
; and break out of the loop by setting the looping var higher than the while condition
else {
var %x = 1
while (%x <= $hget(rssfeed,0).item) {
if ($hfind(rssfeed,%item $+ *,0,w)) {
var %item = %item $+ $calc($ifmatch + 1)
hadd -m rssfeed %item $gettok($grabdata(%temp),2,255)
var %x = $hget(rssfeed,0).item
inc %x
goto nextread

on *:sockclose:rssfeed:{
; if the socket is closed by the remote host say so
echo $color(text) -a Socket closed by host (couldn't find end of feed, might not be an RSS feed or one that does not follow standards). ( $+ $hget(rssfeed,0).item $iif($hget(rssfeed,0).item == 1,item,items) saved in hash table rssfeed)


menu status,channel {

alias hashdumpmenu {
if ($hget($1) == $null) return
return $hget($1) ( $+ $hget($1,0).item $+ ): /dumphash $hget($1)

; DumpHash(TableName)
alias dumphash {
echo -a $chr(160)
echo -a 03<--- $1 --->

var %i = $hget($1,0).item
while (%i > 0) {
var %key = $hget($1,%i).item
echo -a %key $str($chr(160),$calc(15 - $len(%key))) -> $hget($1,%key)
dec %i

echo -a 03<--- $1 --->
echo -a $chr(160)

Joined: Aug 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yu could set a %variable on the ttext event
on 1:text:!ww:#:{
  %rss.chan = #
  %rss.ready = 0
  rssfeed http://www.webwereld.nl/rss/trillian.rss
and put a conditional inside the sockread event
on *:sockread:rssfeed:{
  ;........truncated for the posting. :)
  if ((&lt;/rdf:RDF&gt; isin %temp) || (&lt;/rss&gt; isin %temp)) {
    ; if the end of an RSS file is found, end it
    sockclose $sockname
    if (%temp) unset %temp
    echo $color(text) -a END OF FEED DETECTED: $hget(rssfeed,0).item $iif($hget(rssfeed,0).item == 1,item,items) saved in hash table rssfeed.
    %rss.ready = 1
[color:blue]    if %rss.chan { msg $v1 ( $hget(rssfeed,&lt;link&gt;2) ) $hget(rssfeed,&lt;title&gt;2) | unset %rss.chan }[/color]

Joined: Aug 2004
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MRic3 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 10
Yep could do that...
but i'm using this alias to get other newsfeeds with other variable's
The text event gets the necessary stuff from the hash table.

So i have to figure out a way to make the text event wait until the hash table is filled (done by the alias)...

Joined: Aug 2004
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MRic3 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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Posts: 10
OK.. started playing around and now it works..

I put a few variables of a new alias in the text event
It looks like this now:
[color:green] on 1:text:!ww:#:{
  %rss.alias = webwereld
  %rss.chan = $chan
  describe $chan gaat de nieuwste 3 headlines van www.webwereld.nl ophalen...
  rssfeed http://www.webwereld.nl/rss/trillian.rss

Then i created a new alias with that variable name

[color:green] alias webwereld {
  msg %rss.chan ( $hget(rssfeed,&lt;link&gt;2) ) $hget(rssfeed,&lt;title&gt;2)
  msg %rss.chan ( $hget(rssfeed,&lt;link&gt;3) ) $hget(rssfeed,&lt;title&gt;3)
  msg %rss.chan ( $hget(rssfeed,&lt;link&gt;4) ) $hget(rssfeed,&lt;title&gt;4)
  unset %rss.* 
} [/color]    

Then i called the alias at the end of the first alias (sort of what Iori said)
And the RSS read script is this:

 [color:green] /rssfeed

Grabs the tag and data of each RSS item from a specified RSS feed and saves it in a hash table named rssfeed.
;; RSS Feed Grabber
;; by bunkahumpa - bh@scriptsurge.org - irc.GameSurge.net #script
;; -&gt; function: grabs the tag and data of each RSS item and saves it in a hash table named rssfeed.
;; -&gt; usage: /rssfeed http://www.address.to/rss/feed (use the full URL - INCLUDING http://)

; $grabdata -&gt; grabs whatever is between &lt;blah&gt;&lt;/blah&gt;
; (the tags must be the same, usually found in RSS feeds)
; it returns the tag name and the stuff inside it seperated by $chr(255)
alias -l grabdata { if ($regex($1-,(&lt;([^&gt;]+)&gt;)(.+)&lt;/\2&gt;)) return $regml(1) $+ $chr(255) $+ $regml(3) }

alias rssfeed {
  if ($1 == $null) return
  else {
    if ($left($1,7) != http://) echo $color(text) -a Incorrect URL format, please include http:// at the beginning.
    else {
      if ($sock(rssfeed)) sockclose rssfeed
      ; grab the host from $1 and connect to it
      sockopen rssfeed $gettok($1,2,47) 80
      ; store $1 in a sockmark of the rssfeed socket
      sockmark rssfeed $1
      echo $color(text) -a Attempting to connect to host $gettok($sock(rssfeed).mark,2,47) and GET $iif(!$gettok($sock(rssfeed).mark,3-,47),/,$gettok($sock(rssfeed).mark,3-,47))

on *:sockopen:rssfeed:{
  if ($sockerr &gt; 0) {
    echo $color(text) -a Could not connect to host $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,47) and GET $iif(!$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3-,47),/,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3-,47))
  ; if the hash table rssfeed exists from a previous execution, clear it
  if ($hget(rssfeed)) hfree rssfeed
  ; GET the page using the path after the host in the sockmark
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET / $+ $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3-,47) HTTP/1.1
  ; specify the host as well from the sockmark
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,47)
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: keep-alive
  sockwrite -n $sockname

on *:sockread:rssfeed:{
  if ($sockerr &gt; 0) return
  sockread %temp
  if (%temp == $null) var %temp = -
  if ($sockbr == 0) {
    echo $color(text) -a 0 bytes being read by socket. ( $+ $hget(rssfeed,0).item $iif($hget(rssfeed,0).item == 1,item,items) saved in hash table rssfeed)
  if ((&lt;/rdf:RDF&gt; isin %temp) || (&lt;/rss&gt; isin %temp)) {
    ; if the end of an RSS file is found, end it
    sockclose $sockname
    if (%temp) unset %temp
    echo $color(text) -a END OF FEED DETECTED: $hget(rssfeed,0).item $iif($hget(rssfeed,0).item == 1,item,items) saved in hash table rssfeed.
  if ($grabdata(%temp)) {
    ; if it matches an RSS item type (see the grabdata alias above) store the tag in %item
    var %item = $gettok($grabdata(%temp),1,255)
    ; if there is no item in the hash table that matches that tag, make it the first
    ; -&gt; e.g. &lt;title&gt;1
    if (!$hfind(rssfeed,%item $+ *,0,w)) hadd -m rssfeed %item $+ 1 $gettok($grabdata(%temp),2,255)
    ; if not, loop through it items in the hash table and find the highest matching tag
    ; then save it as an item with a number of one higher than the highest
    ; -&gt; e.g. there's a &lt;title&gt;1 so store it as &lt;title&gt;2
    ; and break out of the loop by setting the looping var higher than the while condition
    else {
      var %x = 1
      while (%x &lt;= $hget(rssfeed,0).item) {
        if ($hfind(rssfeed,%item $+ *,0,w)) {
          var %item = %item $+ $calc($ifmatch + 1)
          hadd -m rssfeed %item $gettok($grabdata(%temp),2,255)
          var %x = $hget(rssfeed,0).item
        inc %x
  goto nextread

on *:sockclose:rssfeed:{
  ; if the socket is closed by the remote host say so
  echo $color(text) -a Socket closed by host (couldn't find end of feed, might not be an RSS feed or one that does not follow standards). ( $+ $hget(rssfeed,0).item $iif($hget(rssfeed,0).item == 1,item,items) saved in hash table rssfeed)
  [color:orange]  %rss.alias [/color] 

Thnx for the tip Iori

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