i have this !find script and it searches the database and returns the information about it but it lags up andgets eccess flood when too many people are searching so i would like to only have 1 person to be able to search at any 1 time hers the search part on *:TEXT:!find*:#Channel: { if ($2 == $null) { notice $nick Syntax: !find Item notice $nick Example: !find Barry halt } if (%ds.remotesearch == 1) { set %timersec 0 /dosearch $nick $2- /close -m $nick } }
i was wondering if anyone could tell me how i could make this work the script searches through a hash table gets the results and sets timers for how it says at the moment so even if u know how i can make it if a timers active halt and message wait till the current search finishes but it would be even better cuz there are alot of timers with this script so i would prefer an alternative way thanks alot
thanks for that ill post back and the script replys in pm thats why that happens thanks right but some take long to search for as it is a very big data base so i was wondering if you could help with making queues for it thanks
yer the script is really really long but is there anyway like with the timer thing u did last time i can make it timeout after 10 seconds and anytime befor it says sorry queue 1 is taken try again thanks for all the help
Well you might have just shot yourself in the foot by pasteing that since it looks like a file sharing script though one does ask if anime is copyrighted, very briefly though your problem is the fact your using a $hget() loop to check if an item exists, when infact theres $hfind() for that very purpose.