hey, i am playing with a custom nicklist using those dll's. it all works fine excecpt for two problems:
1) I made each nickname have submenu's(tree's) with a little bit of info about the user, now, for some reason, the nickname in the channel, obviously an owner, has an icon on the first submenu, which is his decoded nickname, and isnt supposed to, the rest of the nicks dont, other then that one, it works fine, any idea on how to fix that, i have tried and tried, but no matter what i do, it keeps putting an icon there,
2) IF i try to add another icon, like right now it uses three icons, owner, host, and spectator, but if i add a participant icon, it kinda screws everything up, the main "menu" where the nicks are, get all the appropriate icons, owner, host, par, and spec, but on each submenu for each of those nicknames, i get icons everywhere, most spectator icons, and they arent supposed to be there, now i use views.mdx, mdx.dll, and nicklist.dll, and thats bout it that matters i think, and if i am not mistaken, its the mdx that makes the tree's and icons, not nicklist, but is it possible that its the nicklist dll thats causing these problems, perhaps only supporting three icons or something? I'll post below, in order per my "problems" and pictures example of them to help you better understand
any help would be great, as i am just learning these dll's myself
Issue#1 --->
Issue#2 --->
(For Sone Reason The [img] Option Isnt Working, So I Put The As Clickable URL's So You Cn View The Pics Like That For now :S