When I try to connect to Gamesurge it keeps saying...
* Connecting to irc.gamesurge.net (6667)
-irc.gamesurge.net- *** Looking up your hostname
-irc.gamesurge.net- *** Found your hostname, cached
-irc.gamesurge.net- *** Checking Ident
-irc.gamesurge.net- *** No ident response
Ping? Pong!
AUTO Excessive connections from a single host..
Closing Link: XG|[cod]HanZzz by Slim.NY.US.GameSurge.net (G-lined)
* Disconnected
* Connect retry #2 irc.us.gamesurge.net (6667)
And keeps repeating... And I can connect to other servers.. Just not Gamesurge
Does anyone know the problem -- I need to go on that server badly.
Yes I know what I did, I went on multiple times and tried connecting.. I didnt know, I dont know how to fix it