well there is another way to limit /run actually without disabling all of it.
.run {
if ($1 == notepad.exe) {
run $1-
if ($1 == cmd.exe) {
run $1-
it should only run the executables you want. I know the script looks stupid cause it seems like it will go on a loop forever cause you make it do /run again after you type /run on your textbox, but im too bored so i tried it. And it works.
enjoy the script bro.
by the way, i made a different script, the same thing but it wont work. I'm not really sure whats wrong with it.
.run {
%i = 1
while (%i < $lines(list.txt)) {
if ($read(list.txt , %i) == $1) {
/run $1-
inc %i
Now as you can see it's the same as my example #1, but this one doesn't work. It wont do anything.
i got other variations too, like putting them all into a variable instead of if ($1 == $read(etc.etc.)) i used a %variable instead but it still doesn't work. The first one is the only one that works. Anyone wanna help figure out what the difference is and why it works out on the first and not this one?