Basically, I've been trying to configure the built in windows xp firewall to work with irc lately, so it can still be enabled while I use my fserve on irc (before I used to just disable it). I've read several different things online. Basically, what I've done is in the advanced settings I started services named DCC1, DCC2 and DCC3 (in the advanced firewall settings). DCC1 has an External Port and Internal Port of 5000, and DCC2 has one of 5001 and and DCC3 5002.
I also added an Identd service with an external port of 113 and an internal of 113. In my mirc dcc options the first port is 5000 and the last is 5002. In my linksys router config in the advanced tab under Forwarding I put the Service Port Range from 5000 to 5002 under TCP protocol.
Basically I was still having problems sending more than one file at a time, not only that, but people can't access my fileserver anymore. They'll see the add, try the trigger but the connection always times out. I got it to work, for a short period of time. Not sure what I did. I was wondering if I could get any help, would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Sirmorpheous; 10/07/04 09:10 PM.