hey im stuck on this script , pls help me out,
i want ops to be able to type !time joe
then it would write the name joe in a text file then when joe gets voiced it would read names.txt which joe would be in and start timing and if the name wasnt in the file it wouldnt time but for some reason it times bothe ways?
on *:TEXT:!Time*:#: { //msg $chan $2 Is Now Bieng Timed On voice Time $2 :tongue: | write names.txt $2 } }
on *:voice:#sss: { if $read(names.txt,$nick writeini voice.ini voice $vnick $ctime }
on *:devoice:#sss: { if ($readini(voice.ini,voice,$vnick)) { msg #sss $vnick was voiced for: $duration($calc($ctime - $readini(voice.ini,voice,$vnick))) } }
pls i want only the nicks in names.txt to be timed help me out here?
and also when they get devoiced on leave/part it says the voice time perfect
i want it to carry on timing from the last voice time please help me