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Babel fish
Babel fish
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obviously this woudl be called when any timer ends it could be like
on *:TimerEnd:*,SomeName,Some?ame:{
do some krap
.timersomename 0 1 restart the timer it wasnt supposed to be ended
this would be extreamly useful for scripts where users "accidently" end there timers or something to that affect there is a semi work around where you coudl do like
on *:text:*:*:{
if (!$timer(SomeName)) timersomename.. blah blah blah
its just if theres no text then ur timer doesnt get restarted am i missing something? is it there and i jsut duno about it? lemme know what u think i think tis a great idea
hmmm signed by me
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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alias jchan { if ($me !ison #a) /join #a } on *:START:..timerjchan 0 1 /jchan on *:TIMEREND:jchan: /timer 0 1 /jchan
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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eh.. Your point is?..  Good suggestion, by the way...
* cold edits his posts 24/7
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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His point is more than likely that it can and will be abused...
I like the idea of a "On TimerEnd", but would think it'd make it easier for idiots to abuse..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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indeed. Don't get me wrong, it'd be a nifty addon, but could be abused heavily.
And so could a lot of things you might say, but eyy--I stopped caring about the "preventive" measures againsts harmful use. For the longest time there was an argument about not allowing you to retrieve registry values through mIRC because it could lead to "harmful misuse". I mean those that abuse it already use com objects, and, to me, comobjects are just as harmful when abused.
Oh well, I say add it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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He's already explained what he thinks, and I agree with his last reply (and disagree with the first). I'd like to enforce that this was never a valid reason for not adding such a feature in any way. Just think about "idiots" messing with ON START and ON EXIT. It's the same thing, if not worse. Plus, the aforementioned COM usage and many others.
Stupid abuse is possible for a long time ago. And it's not due to the tools being used.
Just to clarify my position, because I think this TIMEREND event could be a good feature.
Last edited by cold; 25/06/04 04:09 PM.
* cold edits his posts 24/7
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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if this did get introduced into mirc then maybe there should be a -force options to allow u to force a timer to end without the on *:TimerEnd: being called
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Wouldnt that like, be the same as not coding an On TIMEREND? suppose it might be useful for wildcard matches.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Krayzee is right, a switch to stop the timer without calling the event would be an absolute must. If people accidentally stopped the wrong timer or all of their timers then they'd do it the standard way and the event would be called, things could be 'corrected'. But there are plenty of situations (abuse of ON TIMEREND, simple debugging, etc.) where someone would want to stop an 'important' timer. It would be extremely arrogant for the scripter to just assume that he knows what's best for the user and for there to be no way for them to stop it short of editing the script.
In fact if anything the switch should be there to implicitly call the ON TIMEREND event. It might remove some functionality but it would then mean that the user has to specifically show that he didn't intend to stop 'important' timers. Or if not then the event should only be called when a wildcard is used or all timers are stopped with /timer(s) stop. I mean if I name a specific timer like /timerthistimer stop then I think it's pretty clear that my intention was to stop that timer, not to have it restart again behind my back.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.