Hi all i need help with the following please
ON *:OP:# {
if !$dialog(opx) { dialog -m opx opx }
[color:red]msg # $snick has been opped[/color]
dialog opx {
title "User Opped"
size -1 -1 167 67
option dbu
button "OK", 1, 3 58 50 20, ok
text "User has Opped in channel", 2, 2 4 165 20, center
box "", 3, 1 0 168 80
icon 4, 150 62 16 16, mirc.ico, 0
icon 5, 70 26 74 39, xxx\7.jpg, 0
The bit in red above is supposed to be a message that would msg the channel i am in saying a nick has been opped
For example i OP NiceGuy, i want to get in my channel
[19:58] <@ShadowDemon> NiceGuy has been opped
instead i am getting
[19:57] <@ShadowDemon> has been opped
In other words it is not msg teh channel with the nick who got opped
how can i do this please ?
All i want is to visually see i have opped somebody with the dialog popup box and send a message to the rest of channel
perhaps warning everybody that a new OP is in channel and to be nice and no flooding etc.
mIRC V6.15