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Joined: Jan 2003
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jh20001 Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 31
So far I have seen many issues moving from mirc 5.x to 6.x with big things to small things like when you have aliases calling on aliases or reading thigns from a text file you start losing commands like /set an other alias callers or return events. Stuff that used to work perfect in 5.x

The NEWS section of the site says that upon the release of 6.0, there were many changes in the script/code.

I was wondering if there is a list of things that were changed in mIRC's code an what can be expected to happen due to them. Such as "such an such has been changed/removed in the way mirc handles sub-use of aliases within aliases in which can result in loss/missed date...etc etc..."

Because I have seen some crazy things that I cant even imagine what would be a resolution to it since I have always known it to be perfect. Now all a sudden even though everything is written correctly, alot of stuff is happening that shouldbt be happening or stuff isnt happening at all....all from the switch to 6.x.

Thanks ^_^

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Try versions.txt, i don't know of any other 'change log' wink

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jh20001 Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Unfortunatly that didnt help at all. It doesnt mention anything in there that I could see on the changed made ot mirc6 that would cause some of the issues seen with things such as /set an $readini an whatnot.

There has to be some noted information somwheres that Khaled made. Somethign that says if you have a alias that calls somwheres in it for a return of another alias it may not return, or possibly its that second alias in which calls a readini that is not returning information properly. Or in cases where you have a timer that reads an ini an within the ini it wont display any /set commands listed (problem solved thanks to "Hammer" in the forums who said to sep the % fromt he var name with a $+....unfortunatly I have no idea how that fixed the problem, but that is a perfect example on somthing that has changed in mirc6 that hasnt been notied that is causing problems with such simple scripts that used to work like a charm in earlier mirc releases).

Thanks to the fact that there is no info on thigns that "should be expected to happen do to specific changes", I have been set behind quite far on the release of my newest script since the demand of mirc6's multi server compatibility is so high thus I cannot consider keeping 5.x in there as the only ver of mirc it supports. I have no way accept to sit back for great periods of time an moniter for wierd happenings.


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jh20001 Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Jan 2003
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I have been able to find one problem thanks to the helpfull folks at #mirc in efnet.
alias names like " ~ " dont work smile

the call for the alias was $~($logo) but for some reason mirc6 doesnt see ~ as a alias an will NOT respond using it hehe.

So thats one thing that can be added ot the list of things that are but should not be, or if should be....should have been made aware of -_^

Now to find answers to the rest -_^...an list them!

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