Here is a snip from the event:
if ($did == 70) || ($did == 75) {
set %x.bots.cnt 5
set %x.bots.get.settings 1
echo 3 -s seltext $did($did,$did($did).sel) $did $did($did).sel $did($did).seltext
botmsg set-s settings-s $replace($did,70,c,75,a) $did($did).seltext
did -ev X-Bots $replace($replace($did,70,80 69,75,41 74),$chr(32),$chr(44))
did -h X-Bots $replace($replace($did,70,93 94,75,95 96),$chr(32),$chr(44))
The $did($did).seltext in 6.14 is getting a value in this situation. In 6.15 its not. Again the event is a sclick and the dialog object here is a drop down combo box the $did($did).seltext returns the selected item in the drop down box in 6.14 but doesn't seem to in 6.15. I have tested it going back to 6.14 and 6.15 mahy times and placing different identifiers in the echo command to see what has value and what does not and in 6.15 $did($did).seltext just does not have a value.