hello, i am posting this here just to see if you can explain me this
alias speed_checker {
var %file = $shortfn($$sfile(c:,Select file to test (bigger than 80MB),Ok))
var %i = 0, %size = $file(%file).size
var %time = $ticks
while (%i <= %size) {
bread %file %i 10000000 &binvar
inc %i 10000000
echo 4 -............. $calc($ticks - %time) bread
.fopen lol %file
%time = $ticks
while (!$feof) {
bunset &binvar
var %i = $fread(lol,10000000, &binvar)
.fclose lol
echo 4 -............. $calc($ticks - %time) fread
goto slow
please ignore the 1º time since it is the 1º time the file is been readed.
don't forget to break the script execution when you belive you have enouf sample times.
since the fread is using an open handler to the file why is bread faster than fread?
this has not much to doo with cache, if you run each of the while in seperatly afer you restart windows you will also notice that bread is faster (a lot for files > 300MB)
this is just a notice, maybe fread needs some tweeks

thanks for your time