this might be something helpful for you:
Go to Start --> Run --> wordpad.exe and paste the following code in there.
Then copy paste from WordPad to your mIRC Scripts Editor Remote (in mIRC: alt+r --> Remote)
menu channel {
.$iif($group(#quotes) == on,Disable,Enable) Quotes Script:{
$iif($group(#quotes) == on,disable,enable) #quotes
alias AddQuote {
if (!$1) { echo -a Error: You have to specify a nickname. | return }
if ($2 == $null) { echo -a Error: You have to specify a quote. | return }
write quotes.txt $+($1,=,$2-)
[color:red] [/color]
#quotes on
on *:TEXT:!quote *:#:{
if ($2 != $null) {
if !$window(@quotes) { window -h @quotes }
filter -fwc quotes.txt @quotes $+($2,=,*,$3-,*)
if !$filtered { msg # Sorry $nick but I didn't find any match for $2 | return }
tokenize 61 $line(@quotes,$r(1,$line(@quotes,0)))
msg # $+(Quote by $1,: ",$2-,")
#quotes end
There are 2 ways of adding quotes to the quotes.txt file:
1) Manually editing the quotes.txt file
2) Using the alias /AddQuote <nickname> <quote> without the <>
Explanation of the script:
!quote <nick> [matchtext] 1. If people type:
!quote nickname then the script will filter all matches from the quotes.txt file to a hidden window called @quotes. It will then take a random line from that window (if any), and message it to the channel.
If people type:
!quote nickname matchtext then the script will filter all matches for not only the nickname but for the specified matchtext as well together. Once again the script will then msg a random line (if any) to the channel.
2. You can
Enable/Disable the script by right clicking in a
channel window.
3. Important: the way the script is setup now, is that your script will trigger on ANY channel that you are in. Perhaps you can put your channels in a variable like
/set %quotechans #chan1,#chan2,... and then use
on *:TEXT:!quote *:
%quotechans: {
or simply manually put: on *:TEXT:!quote *:#chan1,#chan2: {
4. Note that people could take advantage of this by getting you flooded off the server, due to excessive quote requests.