Using the /who command has nothing to do with the window you use it in - it will return the same results for whatever window you type it in, be it query or channel window.
Most simple way I could think of to do it would be:
raw 352:*:{ window -k0 @who | aline @who $2- }
raw 315:*:{ aline @who $2- }
or if you really wanted to echo it to a query window, you can open a query window with yourself and echo it there. Simply replace /window and /aline with "/query $me" and "/echo $me $2-" respectively.
In the example, it detects "raw 352" which is the /who results, the :*: means it matches ANY /who result, then opens a window named @who and uses the /aline command to display the results to the window. The raw 315 bit is just to detect the "End of /WHO" message to make it completel, and again uses the /aline command to send that text to the @who window. The -k0 means it hides the '@' in the window.
Good things to look at in the help file would be:
/help custom windows
/help /aline
/help raw eventsHope this helps a little
