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#81885 04/05/04 06:26 PM
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Hi, I would like to know how do you do a /who identd or /who host from within the query window? If possible, I would like all output to be redirected to another window.

I am aware that you can't see anything except -i clients, but thats fine.

I am pretty new to mirc scripting, although familiar with a few other languages.

So any references will be good as well.

And yes, I am trying to understand /help smile

#81886 04/05/04 08:10 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Using the /who command has nothing to do with the window you use it in - it will return the same results for whatever window you type it in, be it query or channel window.

Most simple way I could think of to do it would be:

raw 352:*:{ window -k0 @who | aline @who $2- }
raw 315:*:{ aline @who $2- }

or if you really wanted to echo it to a query window, you can open a query window with yourself and echo it there. Simply replace /window and /aline with "/query $me" and "/echo $me $2-" respectively.

In the example, it detects "raw 352" which is the /who results, the :*: means it matches ANY /who result, then opens a window named @who and uses the /aline command to display the results to the window. The raw 315 bit is just to detect the "End of /WHO" message to make it completel, and again uses the /aline command to send that text to the @who window. The -k0 means it hides the '@' in the window.

Good things to look at in the help file would be:

/help custom windows
/help /aline
/help raw events

Hope this helps a little smile


#81887 04/05/04 08:36 PM
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Thanks for the reply.

The reason I asked was so that if someone is inviting in channel, and it comes thru a query, I wanted a popup where by I can do a /who IP / host so that I can see if there are clones with the same IP anywhere else in the network.

Now to decipher your code and see how I can make use of it.

#81888 04/05/04 09:31 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Might be useful to know that switches for /who can differ from network to network. Sometimes typing /who ? will describe what the /who functions are for the network you use.

For example, on some networks you can use /who +Mh *ip here* to search for said IP/Hostname in all the channels you're in - other networks don't support the +M flag. Try asking in the #Help channel of the network you use - an IRC Operator may also know.

+i is definitely a factor too, as you won't get results using the WHO lookup, unless you're an IRCop of course.

If you're going to be looking up a particular users hostname through popups or some other way, then /help $address may be of use to you too smile


#81889 05/05/04 06:41 AM
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/who +h *HOST*
/who +i *IP*
/who +u *ident*
Those are the flags / who's I am interested in. And yes, as I have stated in the first post, I am aware of the +i users not being visible to non-opers.

Thanks for the replies grin

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