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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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What is the point in having the about window flash after signing on to a server?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hi there! When you start mIRC the About window will come up, if you have not registered mIRC. If your 30 day trial period is up, the red bar will be flashing in the About dialog to inform you that you should now register. Once you click 'Continue' you can then connect to a server. Until you have done this you cannot connect. When you connect a server, the About dialog should not be popping up. There are two other things that might popup however. The mIRC Options dialog may also popup when you start mIRC, to disable this, go to: ALT+O > Connect > Options - Uncheck the box saying "Popup connect dialog on startup"You may also find the channel favourites folder pops up after you connect. At the bottom of the favourites folder dialog is a little check box saying "Pop up favorites on connect" - UNcheck this box, and in future it will not popup. If you are getting any other "about" window then it must be a script of some sort. Try typing /remote off before you connect, or removing the script and using mIRC again. Hope this helps & happy chattin'  Regards,
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I asked "What is the point in having the about window flash after signing on to a server?"
I didn't ask why it was there, nor did I ask how to stop other windows from popping up.
If the program does this in order to get money, I can use another program which doesn't do it.
You don't get my money by putting an obstacle or annoyance in between. You get it by providing a good program. A flashing red line is not part of a good program.
Last edited by gcnmarcus; 01/05/04 01:31 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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*sighs* - Quite HOW you can find it in yourself to be so rude to people who try and help you is beyond me... mIRC is a shareware program, you can use it for 30 days for FREE. The About dialog cannot be switched off, and will not stop appearing until you pay for mIRC - you're lucky Khaled doesn't make mIRC completely unusable if you don't register, at least you can still connect to IRC. Anyway, if you don't like it, feel free to not use mIRC and go and find a good free client which has the same benefits and style as mIRC does  - Oh, and when you do, please let me know what it's called, at this time I'm unable to find one in existence. Thank you for throwing my attempted help back in my face  P.S. There is only a flashing red line in the about dialog BEFORE you connect or when you actually press the "About" button. There is no flashing red line after you connect (that is caused automatically), so you are wrong in what you are saying. Try CTRL+L. P.P.S. mIRC IS a good program and once your money has been received, the About dialog goes away. The reason mIRC is so incredibly popular is because of it's excellence in comparison to other clients. Regards,
Last edited by Mentality; 01/05/04 01:44 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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*pops his weasely head in the post*
you are wrong sir mentality. after the 30 days or during.. i have not been able to pinpoint when exactly. but when using an unregistered copy of mirc. you do in fact every once in a while get this Red line through the channel text. i don't know if its a feature i didnt know about or what.. but there IS truth in the red line.
on a side note.. i don't care how good a program is or how loyal its followers are. there is no excuse to put an added annoyance/obstacle in the way of the user. just gets annoying to most people. and it encourages cracking the serials.
my 2 cents
-Nick (Darko) -Admin irc.aussiechat.org -#Chatzone, #helpdesk
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Hoopy frood
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I have never heard of (until now) or seen for myself a red line go through any text unless CTRL+L is pressed. However, as two people have reported it I guess it must be true. Nevertheless, if you don't want the obstacles, pay for mIRC. I've had experience with IRCle for the Macintosh. If you don't pay, it closes down every 30 minutes. I've also used Snak (again for the Mac) and it doesn't even work after 30 days. You will find that *most* shareware programs on the entire Internet will either cease to work or put an "annoying" "Your evaluation period is up" message when you open it. If it didn't do that, it would defeat the object of paying completely. If you don't want to experience these "obstacles" then pay for it - otherwise, don't whine about it. You agreed to the license, you abide by it. Or get another client that doesn't require you to pay. Good luck  By the way, I realise this is an abrupt post. I simply don't like the "you shouldn't put obstacles in the way for a program I'm meant to pay for" attitude. Above is what the facts are, laid down on the line - I don't want to start a forum argument, nor will I participate in one. But that's the way it is. Regards,
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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im not starting an argument.. just stating the obvious.. which is people dont like annoyances... and like i said. it encourages cracking. im sure khaled would agree. that since the annoyances first appeared. ill bet my sould that he has seen a decrease in registrations. because people are cracking it.
what if u cant send khaled money till after the 30 days. you have to deal with it for the meantime.
im just looking at this from the other side.
i am not saying this is what i would do. seeing as i have already PAID for my copy of mirc.
as for other clients. there are plenty of others out there that have similar functions as mirc. and another client i remember reading about that will start porting mirc scripts.
a personal favorite of mine would be Xchat. but im a linux fanatic. what do i know.
-Nick (Darko) -Admin irc.aussiechat.org -#Chatzone, #helpdesk
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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im not starting an argument.. just stating the obvious.. which is people dont like annoyances... and like i said. it encourages cracking. im sure khaled would agree. that since the annoyances first appeared. ill bet my sould that he has seen a decrease in registrations. because people are cracking it. - I'd take that bet. It's meant to be a minor annoyance, as Mentality said it would defeat the object of mIRC being shareware if there was no notification or 'penalty' for not paying. It may encourage cracking, but only to those people who wouldn't have paid for mIRC anyway, otherwise they would've paid instead of seeing that dialog in the first place. Perhaps mIRC is being cracked more than before, but it just means that those who don't want to pay or see that About dialog have to put in some extra work to crack it, and it certainly doesn't mean less registrations.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hmm.. i got that red line once of twice, but mine is registered. I figured it is the Line Marker feature (that was disabled but the RED color was selected).
It happens once in a while.. nothing that really really bothers me though.
Pardon me if that isnt what you're talking about :P
Last edited by Zyzzyx26; 05/05/04 11:19 PM.
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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the thing about cracking mirc. is there really is no reason to crack it. once u register it. your serial works on EVERY copy of mirc old and to come. so all someone has to do is share their serial.
so. to stop this. i will state my position on shareware and such and ill let it be. I am for FREE software. Distribution of Mp3/video. im for burning copies of DVDs. i dont believe anyone should have to pay for any code. and for that matter, Authors selling their code/programs. unless its for business related "stuff" . but thats a different topic.
im done with this subject.
-Nick (Darko) -Admin irc.aussiechat.org -#Chatzone, #helpdesk
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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possible. i could have been wrong on my argument about the red line. i noticed that the red line occured once every minute. i have timestamp enabled so thats what i saw.. then all a sudden it stopped after like a half hour. *shrug* ah well
-Nick (Darko) -Admin irc.aussiechat.org -#Chatzone, #helpdesk
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I am for FREE software. Distribution of Mp3/video. im for burning copies of DVDs. i dont believe anyone should have to pay for any code. So what you're saying is that everyone should donate their time and effort to provide people with music, movies, and software for FREE? You don't think the authors of ANY of these would simply STOP if they weren't being PAID for their efforts? sitting here trying to picture Ozzy working at McDonald's
I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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what if u cant send khaled money till after the 30 days. you have to deal with it for the meantime.
When it all comes down to it, Yes people just have to deal with it. However, I did see a page somewhere on here stating that currency issues vary from one part of the world to the next, and that if people simply cannot afford the cost of mIRC, that Khaled would take any reasonable amount of compensation so that people can enjoy the full functionality of mIRC regardless if you pay for it or not. And I do emphasize the word reasonable. What page did I see that? I couldn't tell ya but I have seen it. Someone may know what I may be talking about and provide a link but take my word for it. It is there somewhere. And no matter how hard people try to put an end to cracking/hacking programs or sharing serial keys, it is going to happen because there are alot of cold-hearted people out there who don't care about legal reprocussions. It has been going on since the internet became the coolest thing since the other side of the pillow and will continue to happen. It is wrong yes, but tell that to someone who doesn't care. But then you got to stop and think about all the good people who do abide by these laws to actually pay for their products. The way I see it, it is a never-ending cycle... I am not pointing fingers at anyone regarding morality, i'm just looking at the "big picture" of things...
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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i will state my position on shareware and such and ill let it be. I am for FREE software "From each according to their means, to each according to their needs"? C'mon, even Marx himself recognised that such a Utopian system could never actually exist in the real world. It is unbelievably naive and unrealistic to expect software authors to spend months or even YEARS of their time and/or spare time with no hope of any recompense whatsoever. For those who say "well the gratitude of users should be enough", I have only scorn. Frankly, most users are ingrates who constantly moan because the program isn't exactly what they wanted or expected... or who believe they have some sort of God-given right to get what they want for nothing anyway, and so therefore don't need to feel grateful. Get real. PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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there is no excuse to put an added annoyance/obstacle in the way of the user. just gets annoying to most people.
Solution: Reach into your pocket and pay for the bloody thing. Many who sulk about a measly payment for mIRC with the usual cries of "I can't afford it" are the same who'd happily put $20 worth of petrol in their fancy car and go for a tour of the local town centre at all hours of the night trying to impress their mates, or those who'd happily go and buy two packets of fags and kill their lungs prematurely, or go to a nightclub and pay the bouncer a 'tenner' to get in and then the druggo $50 for a deal.
If you want free software then get it, by all means, if you want mIRC (and some other clients) then it is not too much to ask that you don't cry crocodile tears about being asked to pay for it, even if, at the end of the day, you choose not to pay.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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no one is crying about paying for mirc. we arent even really talking about JUST mirc. talking about the big picture..
out of reply to watchdog. there was a comment saying authors dont just spend all their time on just free software.
What about Star Office for linux. or pc suite602 office for windows. FREE. all they ask is for a donation at your own free will. WITHOUT any popups or annoyances. MSN messanger is free. AIM, also free. There is plenty of software out there.. even small programs that are distributed for free. some dont even ask for a donation.
meh.. this is pointless anyway. ill just get flammed for what i think.
-Nick (Darko) -Admin irc.aussiechat.org -#Chatzone, #helpdesk
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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MSN and AIM are both developed by massive companies, the developers still get paid to create that software even if the software itself isn't paying their wages.
Most free software projects involve dozens of people working in their spare time, what do you think those people do when they're not working on free projects? They're working real jobs to put food on the table, many of them make their money from working on other software which does cost money. It's really easy to say 'no software should require payment', but then you're not the one who has to try and make money from the extreme minority of people who would donate are you? Why should 'business related stuff' cost money but desktop software be free? If software should be free then why not music? And why not television? And then why not books, or cars, or food for that matter? Why does anything cost anything? There's no difference between writing a peice of software and writing a book. There's no difference between designing software and designing a bridge. So what possible reason do you have for why one should be free and the other shouldn't?
You can consider this a 'flame' if you like, but perhaps you should consider why people flame your posts. If you actually think your argument through you'll find your reasoning that software should be free but other things should cost money is completely illogical.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Bersirc 2.2+ will support mircscripts:) i read posts kind of skimmingly.. i just agree that annoyances suck, and if i think that if users didnt like an anoyance, and couldnt legally stop it, they would crack it. there are thousands of cracks and serials keygens Etc Etc Etc out there, just tell google what your looking for, he will find it. khaled does not need to open that friggin dialog every time mirc opens, thats why i never close mirc, i dont even have to deal with that dialog hardly ever. as soon as bersirc fully supports mircscripts, i will say screw mIRC, khaled and mirc co ltd. switch to FREE OPEN SOURCE IRC and never deal with the flashing red bar of anoyed death
Last edited by MTec89; 10/05/04 03:29 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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...And with that you are entitled to your choice. Good for you for finding something that works in your favor. The point being stressed is the fact that a simple "donation" by registering your copy of mIRC will more than likely fix the "annoyance" factor. And yes, there is alway going to be an issue with a group of people for not registering because they could care less.
Just ask yourself this question: If you created software by yourself or with the aid of other people, in which you poured your time and resources into and is used by millions of people, don't you think you would want to reap the rewards from it?
Think about it Khaled could have made mIRC to immediately cease working after the 30 days was up until you registered it. But it doesn't because Khaled seems to be very generous about everyone enjoying his "masterpiece". Which is probably why it is so popular and people do shell out the $20.00 because it's a great program. Also, Khaled does donate money made from mIRC for humanitarian purposes. Let's not forget that.
I think that is more than fair don't you? I can't speak for Khaled, only he can, I am just making the assumption based upon the little thing known as "common courtesy". The about dialog is just a minor detail thrown into the works...its not like it stays open all the time...I think of it as a friendly reminder letting me know that this is still shareware until I register it.
In my opinion, the price of gas here in the states is more of a concern than the about dialog.
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Hoopy frood
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... or they dont have the means to pay for it. im 17 and i do not have any way of buying any type of software, so i cant be held resposible with that.
no. no i wouldnt, software should be free, and all software that isnt free isnt really worth using in my eye. i stuck with mirc because of the fact that it has an extesive scripting system. and soon enough i wount need mirc at all.
if khaled did that, people would uprise and cracking mirc would be at an all time high
i dont think its fair, because software should be free.
true, thats why if i had a job and a car, i wouldnt buy software, i would be using my whole paycheck on one single tank of gas.