I don't care what YOU guys reply. I want Khaled to see this suggestion. That's all.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume Khaled has read all 3 of your threads suggesting this as he does often check these forums. But you have to stop and think that Khaled may or may not want to add this feature for his own reasons. Khaled I assume is still a very busy person when it comes to mIRC and some things are just
priority over hundreds of other suggestions.
Think about it would you rather have an issue with your copy of mIRC over some stupid exploit, or to be able to see text on your desktop. And you cannot have both. I personally would rather see the more important issues be taken care of over a silly feature.
You only need to make a suggestion once, no matter if the thread gets closed, it does get read. Maybe if you exercise some patience and just enjoy mIRC for what it is at this time and maybe your suggestion may get added. Showing hostility toward others over this issue is rather ridiculous if you think about it.
And if you haven't figured it out yet, as Khaled is fairly busy half the time, you will see more replies from us volunteers. If you don't like it thats your opinion. All i'm saying for now is excercise some patience because your suggestion has been noted.