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#81179 29/04/04 05:19 AM
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I finally set up OmenServe so I could serve in #mp3country but after I did it, I noticed whenever someone requests my song list or a song from me that my dcc send refuses to work. I can receive files just fine. I am not aware that I am using a router. The only thing I see I have is my SBC DSL Speedstream 5100 Modem. I do not have any firewalls or anti virus software that would block it. Any suggestions ???


#81180 29/04/04 05:41 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Unless you made the music yourself the mp3s are copyrighted and you have no right to serve them - in fact, it's illegal.

mIRC is a chat program primarily, not for file sharing. Many Internet dangers are faced when file sharing, including the chance of getting infected with viruses. See this post.


#81181 29/04/04 05:43 AM
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I wasn't asking for your spiel on mp3 sharing. I don't just share what few mp3s I have off cd's I have legally bought thankyouverymuch. I can't send ANYTHING...I'm not talking about illegaly sending mp3s. But, thanks again for your ohsogrownup speech.

#81182 29/04/04 05:47 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That's ok smile

It's a good thing you bought the CDs, however, sending them on to others would be illegal.

I don't think you've read the post I linked to, you should - It's the Forum rules, not mine (although if I did make the rules it would be one of them grin)

Don't worry though, there's always some helper who wishes to disobey forum policy and helps people with illegal file sharing!

However, you might find the Search feature useful. And as we are ALL volunteer helpers who don't even need to reply, you could lose the arrogant attitude a little, it's not like we're paid to take abuse.


#81183 29/04/04 06:01 AM
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Ok, well apparently you did NOT read my entire second post. I am not arrogant, I do not think high of myself at all. In fact, I think everyone on the planet about is better than me. However, I did say I was not JUST sending, in your words, illegal music files, I send all kinds of things that are in fact very legal. Ok, do you understand this time ? I don't want help to make my DCC Send work to send illegal music. Mainly, I'm trying to send pictures and stuff to friends..but can't.


#81184 29/04/04 06:19 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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OK, going back to the original question...

Do you have the problem with DCC using plain mIRC, with no scripts or add-ons? If so, you might like to see this large sticky thread on the subject.

If the problem is only when you have OmenServe loaded, then the problem is evidently with OmenServe. Have a look at OmenServe's own help page for send problems, which looks rather good. If even this doesn't help you, the best solution is to contact OmenServe's author - it is unlikely (but not impossible) that anyone here will have enough detailed knowledge to help you with it.

Hope this helps


IRCnet & DALnet @#travelersinn
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#81185 29/04/04 06:47 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Perhaps you need to be more specific in your post. From your first post:

"I finally set up OmenServe so I could serve in #mp3country"

In my opinion you're only going to use the info PastMaster gave to break the law, but also use it legally....if you had made that more prominent, and not been rude, all this fuss wouldn't have even occured smile

Anyway, as I said, someone would help you....ta da.


#81186 29/04/04 01:27 PM
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Oh how exciting, none of you really help me..just tell me all these other places to go. Thanks!!

#81187 29/04/04 02:23 PM
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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The SBC DSL Speedstream 5100 Modem has a router built in, so you will need to configure it for DCC, sorry I dont have this modem anymore so I cant be of anymore help but if you do a search you should be able to find some.


#81188 29/04/04 03:32 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Think about it from a helpers point of view.
For example: if a website already has information that you want, there is no point in the helper repeating it, either way you will read that info, so it just makes it slighly easier for the helper.

New username: hixxy
#81189 29/04/04 05:29 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Don't know why you're asking in am mIRC forum for help with Omenserve in the first place. You should be asking in the omenscripts forum .

I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. wink
#81190 30/04/04 06:13 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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You are a very rude and ungrateful person.

Why should helpers here make a lot of effort to regurgitate a whole set of posts and/or copy-paste information from another website (breach of copyright by the way), just because you are too lazy to (a) use the Search feature on these message boards and (b) click a link?

Since you are obviously incapable of using 30 seconds and Google to find the Omenserve website, be glad that someone has told you where the answers are at all!

Everyone who helps on these boards is an unpaid volunteer. We don't have to do this, and frankly it's people like you who make us think twice about it.

Lastly - intelligence is not knowing all the answers, it's knowing where to find the answers.


IRCnet & DALnet @#travelersinn
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#81191 30/04/04 06:36 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why on earth did you feel compelled to be rude to someone who took the time to reply to you? People who help here volunteer their time and knowledge in order to help others. No one expects a pat on the back for doing it, but they should at the very least be treated with courtesy.

"so I could serve in #mp3country but after I did it, I noticed whenever someone requests my song list or a song from me "
You clearly stated you are sharing files that are likely against copyright laws to share. You said nothing in your initial post to give anyone any other impression, in fact you yourself confirm it. Mentality referred you to a thread on this board that states our policy about helping with mass filesharing and files that are illegal to share. Whether you agree with our policy or not, its our right to have it and to expect ppl to respect it.

"Oh how exciting, none of you really help me..just tell me all these other places to go."
Did you even bother to click on the links ppl took the time to post for you? They were links to other threads on this forum that give helpful info and links for the problem you asked about, and to the website and forum of OmenServe which seems to be giving you the problem to begin with. This is, after all, a mIRC forum...does it not make sense that a problem with OmenServe would be best answered by the ppl who created and offer support for it? Even after ppl took the time to find and post links to help you, you reply with sarcasm. To add insult to injury, had you taken a few moments to look at the subjects of the sticky posts at the top of each forum, you would have found answers to your questions. Take a deep breath before you hit enter next time, and ask yourself how you would feel if it were aimed at you.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet

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