I've made you a quick script that will open a dcc chat to the persons typing !favorits in your channel, and it will msg your favorites to them through the dcc chat, which is lagless, so they'll have it instantly, without having to worry about getting flooded off the server, since dcc chat is a direct connection between you and the other person.
I've added an extra option, that if you are unable to connect to them in 15 seconds, that you will play the file to them as stated in the previous replies by the other people.
Put the following into your remotes:
on *:TEXT:!favorits:#: if !$timer($nick) { .timer $+ $nick 1 15 check.dcc $nick | dcc chat $nick }
on *:OPEN:=:{
if $timer($nick) {
.timer [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off
var %x = 1, %file = $+(",$mircdir,favorits.txt,")
while %x <= $lines(%file) { msg =$nick [Favorits] $read(%file,%x) | inc %x }
alias check.dcc {
if $chat($1).status != active {
close -c $1
.notice $1 I was unable to open a dcc chat to you. Here come my favorits:
play $1 $+(",$mircdir,favorits.txt,") 1000
Note how I use $+(",$mircdir,favorits.txt,"), this will make sure that the file will be found, if the path to the file would contain spaces. E.g. c:\program files\mirc\favorits.txt
Btw, the correct word is 'favorites', though everyone is free to use whatever word they want of course

Hope this was somewhat helpful for you!