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#77046 28/03/04 06:38 PM
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 43
Kazz Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 43
Okay, I've been working on this script for...well...forever. and now that I've come to the final stages of developing it, it bugs out. Now why won't this work? I have no idea, One of my first times using user lists so help would be greatly appreciated.

  on *:KICK:*: {  
  if (%KickL == ON) && ($nick != $me) guser WARNEDUSER $nick 3 $chan
  else { end }
  if (%KickL == ON) { e The user $nick has been kicked before for violating channel rules!  
on ^1:JOIN:*: {
  if (%JWindow != ON) { end }
  else if serv isin $nick goto end
  else /e @Join  *12 $+ $nick  4has joined 12 $chan | e @join 4 $nick is: 12 $address($nick,1) | e @join 4 $nick is on: 12 $network | e $nick has joined at: 12 < $+ $time(mmm-dd-hh:nntt) $+ > | e @Join > | e @join  > 
  :end {
    { end }
on 1:TEXT:^Chat*:*:{
  if (%Chat != ON) { end }
  if ($2 == $me) { chat $nick | .guser CO $nick 3 $chan | .timerkilledthefly 1 20 .ruser CO $nick 3 $chan  }
  if ($2 == $null) { end }
on @CO:TEXT:^Chat*:*:{
  if  (%Chat != ON) { end }
  else { .notice $nick THREE MINUTE WARNING SESSION | .timerkilledthefly off | .timerkilledtheflies 1 30 .ruser CO $nick 3 $chan
on *:TEXT:^Epage*:*:{
  if (%EPager != ON) { end }
  else if ($2- == $me $3-) { .guser EP $nick 3 $chan | timerflygoinginsane 1 10 .ruser EP $nick 3 $chan | n $me EMERGENCY PAGE!!!! EMERGENCY PAGE!!!! | n $me is paging you with E message: $3- | .n $nick you have Emergency paged $me with E message: $3- $+ .  }
  else { if ($3 == $null) { .guser EP $nick 3 $chan | timerflygoinginsane 1 10 .ruser EP $nick 3 $chan | n $me EMERGENCY PAGE!!!! EMERGENCY PAGE!!!! | n $me $nick is E paging you | .n $nick you have Emergency paged $me  }
on @EP:TEXT:^Epage*:*:{
  if (%EPager != ON) { end }
  else if ($2- == $me $3-) { .ruser EP $nick 3 $chan | .guser EEP $nick 3 $chan | .timerflythatwills 1 20 .ruser EEP $nick 3 $chan | n $me EMERGENCY PAGE!!!! EMERGENCY PAGE!!!! | n $me is paging you with E message: $3- | .n $nick you have Emergency paged $me with E message: $3- $+ . Do not use ^Epage for 20 seconds or will install 3 minute warning session }
  else { if ($3 == $null) { .ruser EP $nick 3 $chan | .guser EEP $nick 3 $chan | .timerflythatwills 1 20 .ruser EEP $nick 3 $chan | n $me EMERGENCY PAGE!!!! EMERGENCY PAGE!!!! | n $me $nick is E paging you | .n $nick you have Emergency paged $me Do not use ^Epage for 20 seconds or will install 3 minute warning session  }
on @EEP:TEXT:^Epage*:*:{
  if (%EPager == ON) { .timerflythatwills off | .ruser EEP $nick 3 $chan | .n $nick THREE MINUTE WARNING SESSION BEGINS NOW | set %Epager OFF | echo your Epager is now off due to abuse of this command | .timersrsrtoff 1 180 /set %EPager ON | .timerssoff 1 180 .at My EPager is now online
on *:TEXT:^Cell*:*:{
  if (%Cell != ON) { end }
  else if ($2- == $me $3-) { beep 20 | .guser CellMe $nick 3 $chan | .timerflygoingtokillyou 1 10 .ruser CellMe $nick 3 $chan | n $me your cell has been triggered by $nick with message: $3- $+ . | n $me $address | .n $nick you have triggered $me 's cell  }
  else { if ($3- == $null) { n $nick you need to specify a reason for triggering my Cell  }
on @CellMe:TEXT:^cell*:*:{
  if (%Cell != ON) { end }
  else if ($2- == $me $3-) { beep 20 | .ruser CellMe $nick 3 $chan | .timerflygoingtokillyou off | .guser CMT $nick 3 $chan | .timerflygoingtodie .ruser CMT $nick 3 $chan |  n $me your cell has been triggered by $nick with message: $3- $+ . | n $me $address | .n $nick you have triggered $me 's cell. Do Not Trigger for twenty seconds or a three minute warning session will be installed  }
  else { if ($3- == $null) { n $nick you need to specify a reason for triggering my Cell  }
on @CMT:TEXT:^cell*:*:{
  if (%Cell == ON) { .timerflygoingtodie off | .ruser CMT $nick 3 $chan | .n $nick THREE MINUTE WARNING SESSION BEGINS NOW | set %Cell OFF | echo your Cell is now off due to abuse of this command | .timersrrtoff 1 180 /set %Cell ON | .timersoff 1 180 .at My Cell is now online
    else { end }
on *:TEXT:^page*:*:{
  .guser PagedMe $nick 3 $chan | .timerFlyonthewall 1 10 /ruser PagedMe $nick 3 $chan 
  if ($2- == $me $3-) && (%Pager == ON) { n $me you have just been paged by $nick with message: $3- $+ . | n $nick you have just paged $me with your message: $3-  }
  else if (%Pager != ON) { end }
  else if ($3 == $null) { n $nick You need to give me a MESSAGE, duh.  }
on @PagedMe:TEXT:^page*:*:{
  if (%Pager != ON) { end }
  else { .timerflyonthewall off | .ruser PagedMe $nick 3 $chan | .guser NAFT $nick 3 $chan | timerflyoffthewall 1 20 /ruser NAFT $nick 3 $chan | .notice $nick Further paging me within the next Twenty seconds will install a three minute warning session } 
  if ($2- == $me $3-) && (%Pager == ON) { n $me you have just been paged by $nick with message: $3- $+ . | n $nick you have just paged $me with your message: $3-  }
  else if ($3 == $null) { n $nick You need to give me a MESSAGE, duh.  }
on @NAFT:TEXT:^page*:*: {
  if (%Pager == ON) { .timerflyoffthewall off | .ruser NAFT $nick 3 $chan | .n $nick THREE MINUTE WARNING SESSION BEGINS NOW | set %Pager OFF | echo your pager is now off due to abuse of this command | .timerstoff 1 180 /set %Pager ON | .timersoff 1 180 .at My Pager is now online
    else { end }

P.S. Please don't take my script, or I will kill you :P

smirk Mr.Newb smirk
A.K.A Kazz
#77047 28/03/04 06:48 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 1,271
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 1,271
first, try to not post stuff like that that will require people to scroll for half an hr before reaching the end.

second, what part about it doesn't work?

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
#77048 28/03/04 07:01 PM
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 43
Kazz Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 43
ok, The basic problem to sum it all up is this:

Say when someone else types " ^Chat $me " I go into an instant chat session with them. Now I don't want to be flooded so I tried making it that if they did type in " ^chat $me " I would add them to a user list as, say WARNEDUSER and start a timer that would take them off the user list as WARNEDUSER thus enabling them to use the command again.

IF they should type the command again as WARNEDUSER before the timer removes them, they will be added to WUSER2. The timer is shut off and they are removed from WARNEDUSER. they will be warned that if they do the command once more it will not work for three minutes. Again, a timer starts and if no command follows it will remove them from the WUSER2 in twenty seconds.

IF they should type the command again as WUSER2 before the timer removes them, they will be removed from WUSER2. the timer is shut off and they are told that a three minute warning session is in progress, disabling the Chat command for 3 minutes.

AFTER 3 minutes they are removed and the Chat command is returned to normal.

Confused? I got confused, partially why it took so long to code it.

smirk Mr.Newb smirk
A.K.A Kazz

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