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#76551 24/03/04 08:59 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 143
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 143
Hi I just downloaded this really cool theme making/editer for mIRC and it was working great still kinda is but I notice I get all theys errors like
/mkdir: unable to create 'C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\IRC' (line 317, skinamg.mrc)
and a few others. I noticed this add-on only works on my win98 pc ....well sometimes I still get those errors. on Win XP it dosent do to the new set up they use to save your files ie. C:\mydocuments\admin\bla bla w/e can someone look at this add-on and help me make it work. thanks.

dialog Skins {
  title "dIRCxp Skins V1.0 - by DeathfireD"
  size -1 -1 375 290
  list 2, 220 60 130 180,vsbar
  button "&Update List", 55, 221 225 128 15
  button "C&hange", 53, 80 205 70 25
  button "&OK", 50, 25 255 70 25, ok
  button "&Cancel", 51, 105 255 70 25, cancel
  button "&Make Skin", 52, 185 255 90 25
  button "C&redits", 54, 305 255 50 25
  radio "&None", 10, 10 5 70 20
  radio "&Default", 11, 85 5 70 20
  radio "&Other", 12, 160 5 70 20
  box "Informations of Skin", 1, 10 30 355 215
  text "Skin's List:",3,220 45 195 15
  text "Skin's Name:", 4, 15 90 75 15
  edit %skinamg.name, 5, 90 88 115 20, read
  text "Author:", 6, 15 130 75 15
  edit %skinamg.aut, 7, 90 128 115 20, read
  text "URL:", 8, 15 170 25 15
  edit %skinamg.url, 9, 50 168 155 20, read autohs


on 1:dialog:skins:init:0: {
  if ( %skinamg.name == Nenhum)  did -c skins 10 
  if (%skinamg.name == Padrão 1.1)  did -c skins 11 
  if ( %skinamg.name != Padrão 1.1) && (%skinamg.name != Nenhum) did -c skins 12

on 1:dialog:skins:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 10)  { set %skin.stat nenhum | did -o skins 5 1 Nenhum | did -o skins 7 1 Nenhum | did -o skins 9 1 Nenhum }
  if ($did == 11)  { set %skin.stat padrao | did -o skins 5 1 Padrão 1.1 | did -o skins 7 1 DarkPoison | did -o skins 9 1 http://tiferro.cjb.net }
  if ($did == 12)  { did -c skins 2 1 | set %skin.stat outro | set %skind $read -l1 $scriptdir\skinlist.txt  | skininfo }
  if ($did == 52) { if ($dialog(Skinmak) = $null) .timer 1 0 dialog -ma Skinmak Skinmak }
  if ($did == 54) { if ($dialog(credskinam) == $null) .timer 1 0 dialog -ma credskinam credskinam }
  if ($did == 55) { skinamglist }
  if ($did == 53)  {
    if ($did(2).sel != 0) && ($did(2).sel != $null ) && (%skin.stat == outro) {
    elseif (%skin.stat == padrao) skinamg $scriptdirpadrao\padrao.amg
    elseif (%skin.stat == nenhum) skinamg nenhum
  if ($did ==  2) { did -c skins 12 | did -u skins 10 | did -u skins 11 | set %skin.stat outro | set %skind $read -l $+ $did(2).sel $scriptdir\skinlist.txt | skininfo }

on 1:dialog:skins:dclick:*:{
  if ($did == 2)  skinamgcom

dialog Skinmak {
  title "dIRCxp Skins V1.0 - by DeathfireD"
  size -1 -1 448 350
  text "Your Name or Nick",1, 10 10 100 18
  edit "",2, 103 8 80 20, autohs
  text "Skin's Name",3, 186 10 70 18
  edit "",4, 250 8 80 20, autohs
  text "URL",5, 335 10 25 18
  edit "",6, 360 8 82 20, autohs
  box "Skin's Files",11, 5 35 215 105
  text "Main",12, 10 55 40 18
  edit "",13, 55 53 140 20,autohs
  button "...",19, 198 53 15 20
  radio "Center",14, 10 75 80 18, group
  radio "Fill",15, 10 95 80 18
  radio "Normal",16, 10 115 80 18
  radio "Stretch",17, 100 75 80 18
  radio "Tile",18, 100 95 80 18
  box "",30, 218 35 225 105
  text "Channel",31, 222 55 40 18
  edit "",32, 263 53 157 20,autohs
  button "...",33, 423 53 15 20
  radio "Center",34, 225 75 80 18, group
  radio "Fill",35, 225 95 80 18
  radio "Normal",36, 225 115 80 18
  radio "Stretch",37, 315 75 80 18
  radio "Tile",38, 315 95 80 18
  radio "Photo",39, 315 115 80 18
  box "",20, 5 132 215 105
  text "Status",21, 10 147 30 18
  edit "",22, 45 145 150 20,autohs
  button "...",23, 198 145 15 20
  radio "Center",24, 10 167 80 18, group
  radio "Fill",25, 10 187 80 18
  radio "Normal",26, 10 207 80 18
  radio "Stretch",27, 100 167 80 18
  radio "Tile",28, 100 187 80 18
  radio "Photo",29, 100 207 80 18
  box "",50, 218 132 225 105
  text "Finger",51, 225 147 35 18
  edit "",52, 260 145 160 20,autohs
  button "...",53, 423 145 15 20
  radio "Center",54, 225 167 80 18, group
  radio "Fill",55, 225 187 80 18
  radio "Normal",56, 225 207 80 18
  radio "Stretch",57, 315 167 80 18
  radio "Tile",58, 315 187 80 18
  radio "Photo",59, 315 207 80 18
  box "",7, 5 229 438 70
  text "Addon",8, 10 245 40 18
  edit "",9, 53 243 140 20,autohs
  button "...",10, 198 243 15 20
  text "Toolbar",61, 10 270 37 18
  edit "",62, 53 268 140 20,autohs
  button "...",63, 198 268 15 20
  text "Buttons",64, 220 245 40 18
  edit "",65, 275 243 145 20,autohs
  button "...",66, 423 243 15 20
  text "Switchbar",67, 220 270 48 18
  edit "",68, 275 268 145 20,autohs
  button "...",69, 423 268 15 20
  button "&OK", 100, 140 315 70 25, ok
  button "&Cancel", 101, 230 315 70 25, cancel

on 1:dialog:skinmak:init:0: {
  did -c skinmak 14 | set %skin.positpri center
  did -c skinmak 24 | set %skin.positsta center
  did -c skinmak 34 | set %skin.positcan center
  did -c skinmak 54 | set %skin.positfin center

on 1:dialog:skinmak:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 14)  .set %skin.positpri center
  if ($did == 15)  .set %skin.positpri fill
  if ($did == 16)  .set %skin.positpri normal
  if ($did == 17)  .set %skin.positpri stretch
  if ($did == 18)  .set %skin.positpri tile
  if ($did == 24)  .set %skin.positsta center
  if ($did == 25)  .set %skin.positsta fill
  if ($did == 26)  .set %skin.positsta normal
  if ($did == 27)  .set %skin.positsta stretch
  if ($did == 28)  .set %skin.positsta tile
  if ($did == 29)  .set %skin.positsta photo
  if ($did == 34)  .set %skin.positcan center
  if ($did == 35)  .set %skin.positcan fill
  if ($did == 36)  .set %skin.positcan normal
  if ($did == 37)  .set %skin.positcan stretch
  if ($did == 38)  .set %skin.positcan tile
  if ($did == 39)  .set %skin.positcan photo
  if ($did == 54)  .set %skin.positfin center
  if ($did == 55)  .set %skin.positfin fill
  if ($did == 56)  .set %skin.positfin normal
  if ($did == 57)  .set %skin.positfin stretch
  if ($did == 58)  .set %skin.positfin tile
  if ($did == 59)  .set %skin.positfin photo
  if ($did == 10)  .timer -o 1 0 /selectdirz1
  if ($did == 63)  .timer -o 1 0 /selectdirz2
  if ($did == 66)  .timer -o 1 0 /selectdirz3
  if ($did == 69)  .timer -o 1 0 /selectdirz4
  if ($did == 19)  .timer -o 1 0 /selectdirz5
  if ($did == 23)  .timer -o 1 0 /selectdirz6
  if ($did == 33)  .timer -o 1 0 /selectdirz7
  if ($did == 53)  .timer -o 1 0 /selectdirz9
  if ($did == 100)  /makeskin


alias skinamg {
  set %skinamgfile $1
  if ($1) {
    if ($1 == nenhum) { unset %skinamg.* | set %skinamg.name Nenhum | set %skinamg.aut Nenhum | set %skinamg.url ? | .background -mx | .background -sx | .background -lx | .background -ux | .background -hx | if ($gettok(%skinamg.chan,1,32) != nenhum) { set %skinamg.i 0 | :lp | inc %skinamg.i | if (%skinamg.i > $chan(0)) { halt } | .background -x $chan(%skinamg.i) | goto lp } }
    unset %skinamg.*
    set %skinamg.line 0
    set %skinamg.customcount 0
    inc %skinamg.line
    set %skinamg.read $read -l $+ %skinamg.line %skinamgfile
    if (%skinamg.read == $null) { skinamg.load | halt }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == script) { set %skinamg.script $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | if (%skinamg.script == nenhum) { unset %skinamg.script } | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == skin) { set %skinamg.name $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == autor) { set %skinamg.aut $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == url) { set %skinamg.url $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == channel) { set %skinamg.chan $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == main) { set %skinamg.main $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == status) { set %skinamg.status $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == finger) { set %skinamg.finger $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == toolbar) { set %skinamg.toolbar $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == toolbarbuttons) { set %skinamg.toolbarbuttons $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    if ($gettok(%skinamg.read,1,32) == switchbar) { set %skinamg.switchbar $gettok(%skinamg.read,2-,32) | goto loop }
    goto loop
  else { set %error.msg  %skinamgfile does'n exists!!! | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | halt }

alias skinamg.load {
  if ($gettok(%skinamg.chan,1,32) != nenhum) { 
    set %skinamg.i 0
    inc %skinamg.i 
    if (%skinamg.i > $chan(0)) { goto done }
    else { 
      .background - $+ $skinamg.convert($gettok(%skinamg.chan,1,32)) $chan(%skinamg.i) $gettok(%skinamg.chan,2-,32) 
    goto mloop
  if (%skinamg.main != $null) { .background -m $+ $skinamg.convert($gettok(%skinamg.main,1,32)) $gettok(%skinamg.main,2-,32) }
  if (%skinamg.status != $null) { .background -s $+ $skinamg.convert($gettok(%skinamg.status,1,32)) $gettok(%skinamg.status,2-,32) }
  if (%skinamg.toolbar != $null) { .background  -l $+ $skinamg.convert($gettok(%skinamg.toolbar,1,32)) $gettok(%skinamg.toolbar,2-,32) }
  if (%skinamg.toolbarbuttons != $null) { .background -u $+ $skinamg.convert($gettok(%skinamg.toolbarbuttons,1,32)) $gettok(%skinamg.toolbarbuttons,2-,32) }
  if (%skinamg.switchbar != $null) { .background -h $+ $skinamg.convert($gettok(%skinamg.switchbar,1,32)) $gettok(%skinamg.switchbar,2-,32) }
  set %skinamg.tog on

alias skinamg.convert {
  if ($1 == center) { return c }
  if ($1 == fill) { return f }
  if ($1 == normal) { return n }
  if ($1 == stretch) { return r }
  if ($1 == tile) { return t }
  if ($1 == photo) { return p }
  if ($1 == nenhum) { return x }

alias skinamg.done { 
  if (%skinamg.script != $null) && ($dialog(skinadd) = $null) { .timer 1 0 dialog -m skinaddd skinaddd }

alias skinamg.unload { unset %skinamg* }

alias skinamglist {
  write -c $scriptdir\skinlist.txt 
  set %m 0
  set %amg $findfile($scriptdir,*.amg,0)
  inc %m
  if ( %m > %amg ) { goto end2 }
  did -o skins 2 %m $remove($nopath($findfile($scriptdir,*.amg,%m)),.amg)
  write $scriptdir\skinlist.txt $findfile($scriptdir,*.amg,%m)
  goto loop2
  unset %m
  unset %amg

alias skinamgcom {
  skinamg $read -l $+ $did(2).sel $scriptdir\skinlist.txt

alias skinamgcomand {
  set %skinamgz.read $read -l $+ %skinamgz.line  %skind

alias skininfo {
  set %skinamgz.line 0
  inc %skinamgz.line
  if (%skinamgz.read == $null) { goto ends }
  if ($gettok(%skinamgz.read,1,32) == skin) { set %skininfon1 $gettok(%skinamgz.read,2-,32) | goto loops }
  if ($gettok(%skinamgz.read,1,32) == autor) { set %skininfon2 $gettok(%skinamgz.read,2-,32) | goto loops }
  if ($gettok(%skinamgz.read,1,32) == url) { set %skininfon3 $gettok(%skinamgz.read,2-,32) | goto loops }
  goto loops
  did -o skins 5 1 %skininfon1
  did -o skins 7 1 %skininfon2
  did -o skins 9 1 %skininfon3
  unset %skinamgz.read
  unset %skinamgz.line

alias -l selectdirz1 {
  did -o skinmak 9 1 $$dir="Select Addon" [ [ $scriptdir ] $+ [ *.mrc ] ]

alias -l selectdirz2 {
  did -o skinmak 62 1 $$dir="Select Toolbar's Background" [ [ $scriptdir ] $+ [ *.bmp ] ]

alias -l selectdirz3 {
  did -o skinmak 65 1 $$dir="Select Toolbar's Button" [ [ $scriptdir ] $+ [ *.bmp ] ]

alias -l selectdirz4 {
  did -o skinmak 68 1 $$dir="Select Switchbar's Background" [ [ $scriptdir ] $+ [ *.bmp ] ]

alias -l selectdirz5 {
  did -o skinmak 13 1 $$dir="Select Main's Background" [ [ $scriptdir ] $+ [ *.bmp ] ]

alias -l selectdirz6 {
  did -o skinmak 22 1 $$dir="Select Status's Background" [ [ $scriptdir ] $+ [ *.bmp ] ]

alias -l selectdirz7 {
  did -o skinmak 32 1 $$dir="Select Channel's Background" [ [ $scriptdir ] $+ [ *.bmp ] ]

alias -l selectdirz9 {
  did -o skinmak 52 1 $$dir="Select Finger's Background" [ [ $scriptdir ] $+ [ *.bmp ] ]

alias makeskin {
  if ($did(4) == $null) { set %error.msg You must write a name for the skin!!! | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | did -f skinmak 4 | halt }
  if ($exists($did(9)) == $false) {
    if ($did(9) == $null) goto going
    else set %error.msg This Addon doesn't exists!!! | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | did -r skinmak 9 | halt
  if ($aliaskintestez($did(13)) != okz) { set %error.msg The file must be BMP and exist!!! Leave blank for none. | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | did -r skinmak 13 | halt }
  if ($aliaskintestez($did(22)) != okz) { set %error.msg The file must be BMP and exist!!! Leave blank for none. | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | did -r skinmak 22 | halt }
  if ($aliaskintestez($did(32)) != okz) { set %error.msg The file must be BMP and exist!!! Leave blank for none. | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | did -r skinmak 32 | halt }
  if ($aliaskintestez($did(52)) != okz) { set %error.msg The file must be BMP and exist!!! Leave blank for none. | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | did -r skinmak 52 | halt }
  if ($aliaskintestez($did(62)) != okz) { set %error.msg The file must be BMP and exist!!! Leave blank for none. | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | did -r skinmak 62 | halt }
  if ($aliaskintestez($did(65)) != okz) { set %error.msg The file must be BMP and exist!!! Leave blank for none. | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | did -r skinmak 65 | halt }
  if ($aliaskintestez($did(68)) != okz) { set %error.msg The file must be BMP and exist!!! Leave blank for none. | .timer 1 0 dialog -m dialogerrorskin dialogerrorskin | did -r skinmak 68 | halt }
  mkdir $scriptdir $+ $did(4)
  write -c $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg
  write $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg Skin  $did(4)
  if ($did(2) == $null)  write $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg Autor  ?
  else write $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg Autor $did(2)
  if ($did(6) == $null)  write $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg URL  ?
  else  write $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg URL  $did(6)
  write $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg -
  if ($did(9) == $null)  write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg script nenhum
  else  {
    set %skincop $did(9)
    write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg script %skincopz
  if ($did(32) == $null)  write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg channel nenhum
  else {
    set %skincop $did(32)
    write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg channel %skin.positcan %skincopz
  if ($did(13) == $null) write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg main  nenhum
  else {
    set %skincop $did(13)
    write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg main %skin.positpri %skincopz
  if ($did(22) == $null) write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg status nenhum
  else { 
    set %skincop $did(22)
    write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg status %skin.positsta %skincopz
  if ($did(52) == $null)  write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg finger  nenhum
  else { 
    set %skincop $did(52)
    write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg finger %skin.positfin %skincopz
  if ($did(62) == $null)  write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg toolbar  nenhum
  else {
    set %skincop $did(62)
    write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg toolbar normal %skincopz
  if ($did(65) == $null)  write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg toolbarbuttons  nenhum
  else {
    set %skincop $did(65)
    write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg toolbarbuttons normal %skincopz
  if ($did(68) == $null)  write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg switchbar  nenhum
  else {
    set %skincop $did(68)
    write skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg switchbar normal %skincopz

alias skincopys {
  set %skin.numtokz $numtok(%skincop,92)
  set %skin.endfile $gettok(%skincop, %skin.numtokz, 92)
  .copy -ao %skincop $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ %skin.endfile
  set %skincopz skins\ $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ %skin.endfile
  unset %skin.numtokz
  unset %skin.endfile

DIALOG dialogerrorskin {
  TITLE "Menssages  - dIRCxp Skins 1.0"
  SIZE -1 -1  200 80
  TEXT %error.msg ,2,2 10 198 30,center 
  BUTTON "&OK",1,62 45 75 22,OK

DIALOG credskinam {
  TITLE "dIRCxp Skins 1.0"
  SIZE -1 -1 250 250
  TEXT "Credits of dIRCxp Skins", 1, 0 10 250 20,center
  BUTTON "OK",100,100 220 50 25,OK
  EDIT "This Addon was made by DeathfireD           ( DJOrdway@adelphia.net)This script was made just for dIRCxp please go to the website for new versions: www.o-cmembers.cjb.com. Part of the code was made by ratdog, Thanx!!! If you want to distribute this with your script, contact me before, please.                                                                   -==  THANKS: ==-                           ArMAgeDdoN Script, mIRC message board, others. " , 2,  10 30 230 180, read, multi, vsbar, center

DIALOG skinaddd {
  TITLE "WARNING - dIRCxp Skins 1.0"
  SIZE -1 -1  250 115
  TEXT "This skin load another addon with the pictures! If you don't know what this addon do, click 'No', and load just the pictures." ,1,5 10 240 60,center 
  TEXT "You sure wanna load the addon?", 2 ,5 50 240 18,center 
  BUTTON "&Yes",50,65 75 50 25,OK
  BUTTON "&No",4,130 75 50 25,Cancel

on 1:dialog:skinaddd:sclick:50:{
  .timer 1 0 load -rs %skinamg.script

on 1:load:{
  set %skinamg.name Nenhum
  set %skinamg.aut Nenhum
  set %skinamg.url Nenhum
  echo -s  $+ $colour(info text) $+ *** dIRCxp Skins V1.0 - by DeathfireD [ DJOrdway@adelphia.net ] loading sucessfull.
  echo -s 14,1Get the dIRCxp Script and much more on my website: http://o-cmembers.cjb.com

on 1:join:#: { 
  if ($nick == $me) && %skinamg.tog == on { 
    .background - $+ $skinamg.convert($gettok(%skinamg.chan,1,32)) $chan $gettok(%skinamg.chan,2-,32)
on 1:part:#: { 
  if ($nick == $me) && %skinamg.tog == on { 
    .background -x $chan 

menu status {
  dIRCxp Skins
  .Skin Manager (Shift + F1): if ($dialog(skins) == $null) dialog -m skins skins
  .Skin Maker (Shift + F2): if ($dialog(skinmak) == $null) dialog -m skinmak skinmak
  .Credits: if ($dialog(credskinam) == $null) dialog -m credskinam credskinam
  .Unload: echo -s  $+ $colour(info text) $+ *** dIRCxp Script unloaded. | .unload  -rs skins\skinamg.mrc

alias -l aliaskintestez {
  if ($1 == $null) {
    return okz
  else { 
    if ($exists($1) == $true) {
      if ($right($1,3) == bmp) { return okz }
      else return nopz
    else return nopz

alias sF1 { if ($dialog(skins) == $null) dialog -m skins skins }

if (Windows isin %txt.1) { /kick # $nick Windows is a badword tisk tisk tisk. }
#76552 25/03/04 11:16 AM
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 208
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 208
the author didnt use " " marks around the file paths

  mkdir $scriptdir $+ $did(4)

mkdir $+(",$scriptdir,$did(4),")
would probably fix this .. however its not good to edit someone elses script .. u should contact the author and wait for him to revise it.

do note that this occures many times in the script .. where he writes to a file in $scriptdir .. u would have to fix each instance of it.

the reason why it works on some things and not others is because of the way mIRC handles spaces .. it will error for you when there is a space in the path .. for example odds are you have a folder in your desktop that is 'IRC something' .. but notice the error stops at IRC


#76553 25/03/04 03:15 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 143
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Posts: 143
I know i got permishion from him to edit it but the owner stoped updating the script and he dosent have a site anymore so I ddient know how to contact him again. thanks for your info ill try and fix it.

if (Windows isin %txt.1) { /kick # $nick Windows is a badword tisk tisk tisk. }
#76554 25/03/04 08:04 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 143
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Posts: 143
hmmm i only see mkdir $scriptdir $+ $did(4) in there once but i see write -c $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg
and alot that look liek write -C $scriptdir what am I to change?

o and when i go into the dialog that lets me change the themes i hit other and i get

$read: invalid parameters (line 250, skinamg.mrc)

Last edited by DeathfireD; 25/03/04 08:08 PM.

if (Windows isin %txt.1) { /kick # $nick Windows is a badword tisk tisk tisk. }
#76555 26/03/04 02:13 AM
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 208
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 208
i told you it would affect reading and writeing to files both

i'm not going to go though each line and fix it for you, because u'll learn nothing.

look at my examples and learn how to aply the methods to the rest of the code

write -c $scriptdir $+ $did(4) $+ \ $+ $did(4) $+ .amg

should be

write -c $+(",$scriptdir,$did(4),\,$did(4),.amg")

all i'm doing is useing $+() instead of so many $+ 's .. and placing a " at the start and end of the path

so that for example

write "c:\some path\filename"
will atempt to write to the correct filename in the correct location
write c:\some path\filename
mIRC sees 'c:\some' as the first parm and 'path\filename' as the 2nd
and so mIRC trys to write to "c:\some"

if the $+() is confusing .. you could simply " $+ $scriptdir .... $+ "
but anywhere that you read/write from/to a file you should get in the habbit of placing the full path in "qutation marks"


#76556 26/03/04 03:31 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 143
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 143
ooooo thanks I see now. Thanks so much.

if (Windows isin %txt.1) { /kick # $nick Windows is a badword tisk tisk tisk. }

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