Within a few minutes of running mIRC 6.14 for the first time, I started getting errors like " * Break: command halted" and " * Break: command halted (line 214, events.ini)". Since that point, any time my script is used in any way, I got errors like those. Nothing works anymore. No aliases. No events. No nothin. I attempted to go back to 6.12, but I still get the errors. Installing a clean version of mirc 6.14 works, but then if I just load my aliases file, the errors start again. Unloading the file doesn't fix it. If I add my events file, the errors start again, and unloading the file doesn't fix them. My script is very old, and has been in use for years. I'm sure it does quite a number of things the "old" way. How do I find out what's causing this?