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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I'm not sure how this would be done, but I'm after a script where you put in the hostmask into a dialog, and it searches the channel for whoever has that hostmask, and displays the nickname of whoever matches that hostmask.
Anyone wanna have a bash at it?
Thanks, this will be MUCH appreciated!!!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Perhaps this addon has what you're looking for? Similar affects can be gained with the /who command. Not all networks have the same /who flags, however, you might try: /who +Mh *hostname/IP*+M searches all channels you're in. +h searches for a hostname or IP. Also ask in the #Help or #mIRC channels of the network you're on, they should have some information. Have fun! Regards,
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Is there any way to make the WHO command display its received info in the Server Window, or in its own window?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, a very very simple way to display /who result to an @window would be to use raws. The raw for the /who result is 352. The raw for the 'end of /who search' line is 315. raw 352:*: window -a @WHO | aline @WHO $2- raw 315:*: aline @WHO $2- /aline is a little blocky, but it does it's job. What did you mean by "Server Window"? /who will, by default, echo in your Status window. Simply change the "aline @WHO" in the code to "echo -a" if you wish it to show in the active window. I suggest you do some reading too to help you understand, and customise, the above. I suggest /help /window and /help raw. Have fun  Regards,
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Lets not forget about the IAL (Internal Address List).
Here are 2 scripts for searching for users in either a specific channel or all channels.
Usage: /hc [#channel] <hostmask> <-- Searches a specific/active channel and selects nicks. /hs <hostmask> <-- Searches all channels and displays first 8 results.
If the user you are searching for has been in the channel longer than you, and has said and done nothing since you joined, then use this command to freshen the IAL for that channel.
Paste these into Aliases Section...
/hc { if ( $1 ischan ) var %chan = $1, %host = $2 else var %chan = #, %host = $1 if ( !%host ) var %host = $input(Enter the host to search for in %chan,e,Input Host,*!*@*) if ( *!*@* !iswm %host ) var %host = *!*@ $+ %host echo $colour(info) -a *** Found $chr(3) $+ 05 $+ $ialchan(%host,%chan,0) users $+ $chr(3) with the host matching $chr(3) $+ 05 $+ %host $+ $chr(3) sline -r %chan var %i = 1 WHILE $ialchan(%host,%chan,%i) { sline -a %chan $gettok($ifmatch,1,33) inc %i } }
/hs { var %host = $1 if ( !%host ) var %host = $input(Enter the host to search for in all channels.,e,Input Host,*!*@*) if ( *!*@* !iswm %host ) var %host = *!*@ $+ %host echo $colour(info) -a *** Found 05 $+ $ial(%host,0) users with the host matching 05 $+ %host $+ var %i = 1 WHILE $ial(%host,%i) { var %nick = $gettok($ifmatch,1,33), %address = $deltok($ifmatch,1,33) var %j = 1, %chans = "" WHILE $comchan(%nick,%j) { var %chans = %chans $ifmatch inc %j } echo $colour(info) -a ( $+ $base(%i,10,10,2) $+ ) 5 $+ %nick $+ ( $+ %address $+ ) on 05 $+ %chans $+ if ( %i >= 8 ) break inc %i } }
/wc { WHO $iif($1,#$1,#) }
- Raccoon
Well. At least I won lunch. Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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And that's the not-so-very-very-simple way of doing things ;P
If you're on a network that facilitates HelpServ though (DALnet being an example) I suggest you change the /hs alias to something else, as it will activate it.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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And here i was under the impression that mirc only send data to the server either when a command sent it or it couldn't find the command locally.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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And that sir, is where you'd be right. Who likes the little test I tried?: /alias /hs echo -a Nobodi is right, you idiot!* Added '/hs' alias Nobodi is right, you idiot! *renders previous post null and void*  But then again, people that do want to use the /hs alias for HelpServ then can't use it... Regards,
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I managed to stuff around looking for RAW 352 in my script, found it and noticed it was echo'ing to the Active Window, rather than straight to the Server Window.
This script addon that was posted in the first reply works absolute wonders, I've modified it a little to accomidate my needs (Added in the *!*@ into the Hostmask Text Box by default).
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Glad you got it sorted :-)
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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RE: Mentality; But then again, people that do want to use the /hs alias for HelpServ then can't use it...
I always thought u could do /!hs or does that only work for internal mIRC commands? *kicks /raw hs .. out the window*
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Nope, you can use /!hs, but given the general topic of the service it's likely to be the majority of the people that use it will be newbies, therefore, probably not knowing about the '!' that you can affix to '/' to override any aliases set.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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OK! Well in that case it looks like so long as it doesnt go out in any proper script. we're all safe. Although i wonder how many people have writted scripts where they end up with problems because or what someone decided to do on another network the scripter was unaware of.