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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Hi new to mIRC and was wondering if anyone knew how to give ops/servers priority on sends?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hello kevuk25,
If you would, please clarify your question... Are you asking how you can automatically grant users with channel operator status? Exactly what priority do you want to grant to users?
Any specifics you can provide would be helpful.
Thank you,
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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sorry im not really sure, i want to give people with op status priority over people who are just in the room downloading.
so they get sends quicker than others
Is this possible??
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC is not for mass file trading, nor illegal file trading (and they kinda go hand in hand). We do not help with illegal file trading, as you can read here. Illegal file trades include mp3s, movies, software and even books. Also note the dangers of file trading, from this thread: "When you accept files from someone you dont know, there's a risk they contain a trojan, virus, or malicious program that can cause a lot of harm. No matter how good/current your antivirus software is, its no quarantee. These things are created nonstop, spread fast, and it takes time for AVs to be updated. Downloading copywrited material such as music and movies also have the same risks, but in addition its against the AUP (acceptable use policy) of some networks and providers and is illegal. When caught you will be subject to lawsuits and huge fines."Happy chatting  Regards,
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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i didn't know i was doing wrong, saw it mentioned in the room (set up a server and op's get priorty)
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hello kevuk25,
It would appear that the last post is almost automated... it didn't really answer your question at all and I don't think that's too fair for people who come to a help forum for assistance.
Granted, mIRC is not geared for file sharing/trading, but I'm not here to give you a lesson on ethics.
To answer your technical question, I do believe that with probably some simple script programming, mIRC can be setup to prioritize users. However, your technical question is best suited for the programming forum.
I will see what information I can collect for you to solve your dilemma.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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None of us are here to give lessons on ethics. However, the policy on this forum is to NOT help with the rampant illegal file sharing going on and not encourage the risky downloading of files from strangers. The reasons should be obvious: it is illegal, against the AUP of many networks and providers, and a source of trojans. You may consider it to be unfair to not answer a question, and to take the opportunity to inform a user of what they may not be aware of. I consider unfair to not give users that info.
While the post you referred didnt answer the question asked, part of what we try to do is educate users. You wont need to help anywhere for very long before you see the high number of ppl seeking help because they are infected with trojans from files, nasty scripts, typing whatever someone tells them to, and clicking on every url they see. Supporting that end result isnt helpful.
I dont pretend to know precisely what files the original poster wants to share, but as it appears to be mass filesharing amongst strangers (and judging by his reply, illegal files), the info and warnings given arent out of place.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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1: as you said(in different words), his post doesn't say "how can i let people download my illegal copyrighted mp3's faster" 2: if he's already trading files, why not help him? 3: if he's not already trading files, then don't help him
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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how many times must we have this discussion? This has been beaten to a pulp.
"2: if he's already trading files, why not help him?" a: reread all the posts about our policy and discussions of it since you seem to have forgotten them and your part in them. b: by his own admission, he "didnt know" he was doing "wrong". c: you of all ppl should be well aware of the high incidence of trojans judging by your numerous posts about finding huge numbers of trojans on your system. d: why on earth anyone would object to politely informing ppl of the dangers of downloading from strangers and random url clicking (generally in hot pursuit of something to download) is beyond me.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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a: i realise you're not in charge of the forum guidelines, but i was talking about the forum guidelines.. b: ok c: yes i am, but i doubt he is downloading every .com,.bat,.zip,.exe,.scr,.jar,.pif and <various other files capable of executing virus stuff> file he can find. d: i'm not objecting i'm just saying instead of lecturing him, you should get the full story first..
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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you didn't even ask what type of file that i was sharing you just asumed, i'm sorry i even botheed to ask for help!!!!
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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sorry tidy trax that last message was not ment for you
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Greetings all,
Well, it wasn't my intent to start a heated debate, however, I'll distinguish the fire as quickly as I started it...:
In defense of the thread's author, I simply feel bad that a user's request for help suddenly made him look like a criminal. Quite frankly, we could all suspect what he might be transferring, but none of us really know. He simply could be sending MS Word files to another coworker! And quite frankly, it isn't up to us to decide what a user wants to send another user -- unless we're personally involved... i.e. we're the target user or IRC operator enforcing policy.
Furthermore, I don't think it's nice that people post "generic" messages in regards to ethics all over the message board, most especially when it's not even really related to the subject at hand. This particular incident has done nothing but throw the entire thread off topic and upset users who need assistance. (The suggestion of ethics (or any other off topic material) could have very well been done privately where it would not have been obtrusive to the author's message.)
Now, I'll put my soap box away and get back to the orignal request of the thread's author...
I spent some time reading and attempting to brush up on mIRC programming and scripting. I realized how much I learned over three years and how much I forgot. Quite frankly, I don't think I have anything written yet that's worthy of what you need, but I'll work on it as I get more time.
However, if you want to experiment on your own, here are a few tips I've come up with -- mind you, I'm an IRC oldie but still a novice on mIRC scripting... (I'm an "ircle" user by default... I grew up on an Apple Macintosh.)
You can typically throttle transfers with /PDCC and/or /FSEND. Also, /DCC SEND -l <speed> <nickname> <file> might be helpful. The "-l" command switch lets you adjust the file speed. I know that's not much, but I hope it's helpful to you. I rarely use DCC myself, so I never paid much interest on the intricate architecture in mIRC ... as I said in a previous post, check out the Programming/Scripts section. Those folks there could probably give you a boost.
Your best best is the mIRC Help file(s) and you might want to take a look at some pre-made mIRC scripts on the Internet. I caution you, some of these scripts are "junked up" and the authors sometimes be creative and add "backdoors" or other petty malicious items. So, be very careful and examine what the author scripted -- use them at your own risk!
** kevuk25: If you have any additional questions, feel free to zip off a private message so that I can provide you with additional assitance if you need it.
Last edited by Johnsie; 23/01/04 09:41 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Well said, I agree 150%. It seems the protocol with some of these people here is to condemn now & ask questions later. A person is made out to be a criminal if they happen to mention DCC, file transfer, send, recieve just to name a few. It's pathetic really. I don't disagree with warning of the legalities and dangers of file trading, but to butt in just to state why you will not help is complete nonsense. I swear, Mentality must have that canned message of his all typed up nice and neat and ready to copy and paste in a reply here when he sees one of the above words mentioned.
Last edited by EVH; 23/01/04 09:53 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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tidy: a. Actually, the moderators and admins do happen to be the ones who set the guidelines, and are expected to maintain them, therefore i'm familiar with them. There are many posts regarding interpretation of questions on this subject. c. well, one would certainly hope neither are you or anyone else, but lets face it, the obvious files arent the only unsafe ones. d. and i also direct this to everyone. At no time did anyone accuse kevuk25 of anything. Mentality's post was a general one informing him of our policy and the inherent dangers under the heading of FYI. My post wasnt directed to kevuk25 and i honestly dont feel that giving him info he may not be aware of is lecturing.
kevuk: no one was accusing you of anything. You just happened to start one of the oft repeated, and sometimes heated, discussions regarding helping with mass or illegal filesharing. It seems some ppl feel that its out of place to politely warn those who appear to be new about the inherent dangers in downloading (mass or otherwise). As well, there are those who disagree with our policy of not helping with mass and/or illegal file sharing specifically. Rather than taking offense, hopefully if you werent aware of the potential, you now are. Consider it a learning experience rather than assume it was intended as an accusation. The clear implication in your question is that you are file sharing with strangers. Since its unlikely that means pics of your dogs, the impression given of mass filesharing is understandable and therefore so is the friendly advice Mentality gave you. Again, that isnt an accusation.
Johnsie, EVH,tidy: Pointing out the potential for problems relating to any question is part of helping. It isnt lecturing, it isnt judging, it isnt accusing. As is usual with threads on this, its only when other ppl jump in complaining about warning ppl of potential dangers or feeling we should help with sharing of files that violate copyright laws or massfilesharing that things become heated and hard feelings arise. Considering how many ppl we all see seeking help because they are infected, it isnt surprising that anyone feels they should pass along info to be sure the user is aware.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet