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#68208 16/01/04 08:25 PM
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Ex. i have a word "acceleration" and i whant to check if all leters from other word "relation" is in that word ?

$regex(Catch,acceleration,/???relation???/) must return 1
$regex(Catch,acceleration,/???rellation???/) must return 0

Thank You.

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#68209 16/01/04 10:06 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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/help $pos

#68210 17/01/04 02:28 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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How about a simple loop instead?
  • var %a = relation,%b = acceleration,%i = 1
    while $mid(%a,%i,1) isin %b { inc %i }
    echo -a $iif(%i > $len(%a),All present!,Missing chars.)

#68211 17/01/04 03:11 PM
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Yap, i know about that function ;P But i whant to solve my problem in a nice way.. With a Regular Expresion wink I'm asking if that is posible.. And if that is posible.. How ?

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#68212 17/01/04 03:29 PM
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Fjord artisan
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Thank you for you cool solution, i still whant Regual Expresion equivalent wink
If nobody know or a Regual Expresion just can't do that.. I will use you solution..

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#68213 17/01/04 05:21 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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AFAIK a regular expression couldn't do what you want.

If you want there to be the correct number of letters present, you'll want to use $count() in an alias like this:
contains {
var %haystack = $1, %needle = $2
while $left(%needle, 1) {
var %char = $ifmatch
var %c = $count(%needle, %char)
if (%c > $count(%haystack, %char)) return
var %needle = $remove(%needle, %char)
return $true

$contains(acceleration, relation) is true
but $contains(one, none) is not true because one doesn't have two n's.

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#68214 17/01/04 06:19 PM
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Thank you a lot ! You script works like i whant.. And very fast(1000 in 0.903s(cpu 333Mhz)) !
Now i will torture you script with 3 millions words wink

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#68215 17/01/04 11:21 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Glad it works well for you, but after you mentioned it's speed you brought out the obsessive side of me and I decided to optimize it a bit.

contains {
  ; $contains(haystack, needle)
  var %needle = $2, %count
  while $left(%needle, 1) {
    %char = $ifmatch
    if ($count(%needle, %char) > $count($1, %char)) return
    %needle = $remove(%needle, %char)
  return $true

That worked approx. 25% faster for me. The code is a bit harder to read so I added a small comment to help remind people of the parameters.

And I even used the correct [[i][/i]code] tags around it this time!

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#68216 18/01/04 01:43 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ugh, I'm an idiot. /var declaration is wrong in that last one.

contains {
  ; $contains(<haystack>, <needle>)
  var %needle = $2, %char
  while $left(%needle, 1) {
    %char = $ifmatch
    if ($count(%needle, %char) > $count($1, %char)) return
    %needle = $remove(%needle, %char)
  return $true

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
#68217 18/01/04 07:06 PM
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Thank you again.. You script realy help me a lot..
Also to make you script work with numbers(ex. with 0) "while $left(%needle, 1) {" must be "while $left(%needle, 1) != $null {".
Thanks for you time.

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