Pastmaster: Yes, it is indeed impressive to see ppl who care about those in need
Mentality: since its not a peanutbutter cookie, i'll let it pass unmolested...and its for a good cause
Raccoon: It is to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, of which the American Red Cross is a member. As someone who has donated countless hours to the ARC over the years, (teaching, aiding disaster clients and military families) i have to say that its unfair to tar an entire organization with the same brush. Any group can have problems, but for the most part ARC involved people care deeply about helping their communities. Events that lead to the impression some have gotten of the ARC in the long run hurt those the ARC is there to help. Punishing the many for the actions of a few is tragic. Its heartbreaking when due to a lack of donations from the community you have to look in the eyes of a family who has had their home burn to the ground and tell them there isnt enough money to help them more. Admittedly this isnt the place for this, and i dont mean to belittle foreign need in any way. But I would ask ppl to follow the fine example Khaled has set and look around your community. Reach out to your neighbors who are in need. It doesnt need to be financial aid, go cut an elderly or disabled neighbors grass, clean their gutters, donate clothing or household goods to a family who has lost everything.
Obviously i dont want this thread to become a discussion of good vs bad within the ARC as this clearly isnt the place. Consider it a reminder that as Khaled has demonstrated, we all need to reach out to those in need.