alias mdx_fullpath { return $+(",C:\lastversion\mdx.dll,") }
alias mdx { dll $mdx_fullpath $1- }
alias mdxinit {
dll $mdx_fullpath SetMircVersion $version
dll $mdx_fullpath MarkDialog $dname

on 1:open:?: {

set %hora $hora
set %fecha $date

dialog -m querys querys


dialog Querys {
size -1 -1 543 213
title "Query ®2004 MoonRedSoftware ltd.. "
list 1,20 20 503 122,extsel size
button "Ok",2,359 150 60 24, ok flat
on *:dialog:querys:init:*:{
mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report flatsb single grid > C:\lastversion\views.mdx
did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 100 100 100 100 100
did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Fecha $chr(9) NickName $chr(9) Server $chr(9) Status $chr(9) Fecha
did -ra $dname 1 3 %fecha $chr(9) %nick $chr(9) $server $chr(9)


i have my add on

i need a list of querys

10/01/2004 ver 20.00
10/01/2004 Cops 20.04

please thnx

mess with the best