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Joined: Dec 2003
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Frank39 Offline OP
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
Joined: Dec 2003
Posts: 2
Need help pls. Since recently, i am recieving this message while trying to connect: "You match the pattern of a known trojan, please check your system". Cannot get past this msg. Controlled with NAV 2002. Ran Pest Petrol. Downloaded "Anti Trojan" software and did a scan. Found some strange stuff. Got rid of them o fcourse. Thought everything was clean. Seems not.
Reason for this development was that i downloaded some stuff from edonkey about "hacking" and stuff to learn some. Have found some interesting stuff too. Also seems my colleague(s) downloaders/uploaders thought it was appropriate to maliciously effect their friends. Huh? Friends? Oops sorry!!! mad
Any help to get past this connection problem will be appreciated.
Thanks. smile

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Mar 2003
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The message is sent to you by the server you are trying to connect to. I'd suggest going to the website of the network the server belongs to and see if you can find specific information regarding this problem, or any other contact address there.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
Joined: Dec 2003
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Frank39 Offline OP
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
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Look kinda silly here. Any suggestion how I can go to the website of the network the server belongs to please?
Phew!!! Got that out!!!

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
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Frank, crossposting really does cause confusion, i deleted the other one since the same thing is posted here (4 minutes later)

try www.google.com and input the name of the network. You should find either a forum to post to or an addy to email as well as other info. WOuldnt hurt to investigate what your av found and be sure you have eliminated all problems. www.trendmicro.com has good info and a free online scanner.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet

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